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The Undertaker Admits Using Steroids Under Incredible Pressure to Be Big

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  • The Undertaker Admits Using Steroids Under Incredible Pressure to Be Big

    The Undertaker Admits Using Steroids Under Incredible Pressure to Be Big


  • #2
    I doubt this was a huge shock to anyone. Most pro wrestlers used and still use anabolics. Just the fact of having to be seen at peak conditioning almost everyday. And not to mention they probably take PEDs just to help heal some injuries faster. Undertaker probably did it fairly safe cause he was always in good shape he never was really jacked or shredded like Lex Luger or the ultimate warrior. But I think it’s a pretty safe bet saying 98% of pro wrestlers since the 70’s have taken PEDs at some point.


    • #3
      bit of a shock for me actually. obviously guys like Goldberg, Ultimate Warrior etc.. used lots of drugs. but i always just assumed undertaker was just one of those big and tall lumberjack type builds. he doesn't even looked like he ever lifted weights to me.

      andre the giant for example was famous for never exercising, eat and and drinking like shit etc..


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
        bit of a shock for me actually. obviously guys like Goldberg, Ultimate Warrior etc.. used lots of drugs. but i always just assumed undertaker was just one of those big and tall lumberjack type builds. he doesn't even looked like he ever lifted weights to me.

        andre the giant for example was famous for never exercising, eat and and drinking like shit etc..
        Yea lots of these guys don’t have the “look” of a steroid user I think they mainly use them for injuries and just to help maintain their muscles. But there are tons of guys that abuse the shit out of em too that’s why their are lots of guys dropping dead from heart issues or this or that at fairly young ages. Even tho WWE has a “wellness” policy it’s pretty much a joke. Undertaker was talking about it once saying they had to take I think it was 4 tests a year and he’d take all of his in one week. Even Vince McMahon is 75 and jacked and has been jacked since the late 90’s

