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    RELEVANT VOCABULARYALPHA ALKYLA1ED 17: The addition of an alkyl substitute on the 17 carbon position, or a C-17 position, of the steroid molecule. This manipulation increase the life of an oral steroid in the body, but also makes orals highly toxic.ANABOLIC: The promotion of anabolism or the actual building of tissues -- primarily muscle. An anabolic or muscle building effect is the most sought after effect from steroid use by athletes.ANABOLlC STEROIDS: These are synthetic derivatives of testosterone; a naturally occurring hormone in the body which controls many functions. One such functions is the promotion of anabolism. Steroids mimic this natural occurring effect and can accelerate the rate. Once in the blood, anabolic steroids bind to androgen receptor sites. Steroids enter the cell and alter the function of that cell. After changes in DNA and RNA patterns, an increased rate of protein synthesis is observed. Improved conversion of protein to muscle happens concurrently with increased nitrogen retention or slightly thereafter. The retention of nitrogen indicates that muscle tissue is being deposited. Anabolic steroids inhibit the amount of cortisol -- a catabolic hormone -- from entering muscle tissue. Less cortisol also aids in muscle growth. Anabolic steroids are classified as anabolic and/or androgenic. The kind and quantity of androgen receptors found within an organ or tissue determine how it is effected by the anabolic or androgenic properties of a steroid. All anabolic steroids are both anabolic and androgenic. Elite Fitness would rate a steroid a perfect ten if it could be totally anabolic and not at all androgenic. As this is presently impossible, the highest rating we have given any steroid is a nine. The ideal steroid would only exert its
    effect on muscles; however, steroids effect many other parts of the body as well. This is why dramatic gains in muscularity are often accompanied by dramatic side effects (6).ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate): An important cellular metabolite involved with energy exchange within the cell. Chemical energy is conserved in a cell by the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP primarily in the mitochondria, as a high energy phosphate bond. ADP combined with CP forms ATP, the usable fuel for muscular contractions.ANDROGENIC: This designation refers to the second classification of testosterone. In addition to muscle development, testosterone is responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics like body hair, deepening of the voice, development of the male sex organs and sex drive. A steroid’s androgenic properties cause the majority of side effects. The androgenic quality is preferred by some who feel they benefit from the increased aggressiveness and rather fast strength increases associated with androgens. Glycogen retention of androgenic steroids is very pronounced. High androgenic steroids are often very high in anabolic properties as well. This type of steroid will give good size and strength gains, but the prolonged use of highly androgenic compounds result in serious side effects.AROMATIZE: The reaction in the body where excess testosterone or androgens are converted to estrogen. Steroid users do not want this effect. Androgenic steroids are the ones that most often aromatize. Numerous side effects can occur, the most common being the development of breast tissue in men. Estrogen deposited in the mammary gland is called gynecomastia. Limiting the prolonged use of androgenic steroids and using only small dosages is the best way to prevent this effect. Dianabol, Anadrol, and Testosterones aromatize very easily.ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate): This is an intermediate high energy compound which upon hydrolysis to ADP releases chemically useful energy. ATP is generated during catabolism and utilized during anabolism. ATP can be thought of as the actual fuel that makes muscles move. Oxygen and glucose contribute to the formation of ATP.BLACK MARKET: The illegal distribution and sale of illicit drugs. A majority of athletes obtain steroids on the black market.BLOCKING AGENT: A prescription medicines that can prevent the excretion of steroids from the kidneys into the urine. By temporarily blocking this excretion many athletes can test negative for anabolic steroids on a blood test while currently on a cycle. Popular blocking agents have included: Probenecid, Carinamide, and Anturane. Most blocking agents are banned by committees who also ban anabolic steroids.BUCCAL Sublingual: These steroids are made to be dissolved in the cheek or under the tongue.CATABOLIC: The opposite of anabolic; catabolic means the breakdown of tissue. Catabolism often occurs in disease, infection, and immobilization. Intense weight training also induces catabolism. A negative nitrogen balance most often accompanies catabolic states. Anabolic steroids reverse this state and actually function optimally on muscles which are in this condition. Therefore, the intensity of a person's training can contribute to the effectiveness of an anabolic steroid.COUNTERFEITS: Products which purport to be but which are not real pharmaceutical drugs.CP (Creatine Phosphate): Creatine Phosphate is an inorganic phosphate molecule which binds with ADP to form ATP. Steroids potentially increase the availability or production of CP resulting in more available strength and endurance increasing ATP.CYCLE: The time one is on steroids. Some simple cycles would function as follows:Easy Diamond Cycle Pump up the Dose Cycle Decrease the Day Cycle Example using a 10ml bottle (200mg/ml) of Testosterone Cypionate Example using 10 bottle of 1 ml (200mg/ml) of Nandrolone Decanoate Example using 8 redi-ject of Sostenon 250
    Week 1. 200 mg Week 1. 200 mg Day 1 . 250 mg Week 2. 250 mg Week 2. 250 mg Day 14. 250 mg Week 3. 350 mg Week 3. 300 mg Day 24. 250 mg Week 4. 400 mg Week 4. 350 mg Day 31. 250 mg Week 5. 350 mg Week 5. 400 mg Day 38. 250 mg Week 6. 250 mg Week 6. 500 mg Day 44. 250 mg Week 7. 200 mg Day 49. 250 mg Day 54. 250 mg DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE: The precursor of numerous steroids. The hormone occurs naturally in the body and is responsible for several androgenic effects including: facial hair, genetic balding and male reproductive organ development. DHT is important in the augmentation of skeletal muscle. Many endogenous and exogenous testosterones convert to DHT in the body. Common side effects of DHT are acne and accelerated balding.DIURETIC: Any product that increases the body’s excretion of urine. These range from herbal formulas to strong chemicals which drain the body of electrolytes and fluid. The primary clinical use is as a hypertension treatment. Bodybuilders use diuretics to remove subcutaneous water improving definition. This is effective for some bodybuilders but even often it leaves the athlete's muscles drawn and flat. Occasionally, too much potassium is depleted and muscle cramping is so severe that the bodybuilder cannot pose. Athletes also use diuretics to dilute drug test urine samples. Often the diuretics themselves are banned by most committees which ban steroids. Needing to make a certain weight class, athletes may use diuretics for rapid weight loss. Side effects are numerous and can include heart failure.ENDOGENOUS: Naturally occurring in the body. Endogenous steroids are hormones which are a part of the body’s natural day to day functions.ERGOGENICS: The study of ergogenesis or muscle performance. Anabolic steroids are an ergogenic aid because they can enhance muscle performance.ESTROGEN: The female sex hormone responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in females and found in small quantities in males.EXOGENOUS: Originating outside the body. An injected synthetic steroid is an exogenous source of that hormone.FAST PASS: A compound crossing from the stomach or intestines to the liver where it is either destroyed or enters blood stream. Oral steroids must undergo this process before entering the blood and binding to cells where they exert their functions. An oral steroid’s first pass destroys a majority of the substance and is rough on the liver.
    GC/MS: Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The most accurate analytical method for testing urine samples and for doing substance analysis. GC/MS is the superior method for analysis of steroids and urine because it detects extremely low levels of steroids and can differentiate one compound from another. A gas chromatograph (GC) isolates each individual component of a substance for analysis by the mass spectrometer (MS).GYNECOMASTIA Abnormally large mammary glands in males. BITCH TITS are a popular gym term for Gynecomastia.HYPERPLASIA: An increase in the number of cells. The majority of muscle bulk that comes from using anabolic steroids occurs from muscular hypertrophy. Some studies suggest that anabolic steroids can possibly cause hyperplasia or an increase in the actual number of muscle cells. Many feel that Growth Hormone causes hyperplasia which enables more muscular development than using anabolic steroids alone. This theory is controversial.HYPERTROPHY: The goal of nearly all weight training athletes -- the increase in size or mass of a muscle.LIPOLYSIS: The release of stored fat for use as fuel by the body.METABOLISM: The phenomenon of catabolism -- the breaking down of substances in the body and anabolism -- the building of substances in the body. The entire process of substances entering the body, converting to particular compounds, and the rate of utilization. The rate is hormonally controlled.NITROGEN: An important constituent of many cells and what distinguishes protein from other substances.NITROGEN BALANCE: The state in which the daily nitrogen intake of from proteins equals daily nitrogen excretion. A negative nitrogen balance occurs when excretion exceeds intake. A positive balance exists when nitrogen ingestion is greater than what is excreted. A positive nitrogen balance possibly indicates that muscle acquisition is occurring.NORTESTOSTERONE 19: The precursor of numerous steroids. Steroidal derivatives exhibit minimal liver toxicity and related side effects, but easily detectable on drug tests even up to 12 months after administering the drug.ORALS: Drugs that are intended to be swallowed and ingested through the gastrointestinal tract. Oral steroids are subject to first pass before they enter the system and then must go back through the liver before they are eliminated. They both rapidly enter and exit the system. Often, the entire dosage is eliminated in less than a day requiring multiple dosages to keep a constant level of the drug in the blood. Oral compounds are typically hard on the liver, especially the 17 alpha alkylated group. Some of these are Anadrol, Metandren, Dianabol, and Halotestin.OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC): Drugs legally available without a prescription.PARENTERALS or INJECTABLES refer to liquid drugs which are taken by injection. This might be intravenous (into the vein), subcutaneous (under the skin), or intramuscular (in the muscle). Anabolic steroids require deep intramuscular injection. This usually requires a 1 to 1 1/2" needle, 21 to 25 gauge. The recommended injection site is the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal muscle.PLATEAU: The point in a cycle where a steroid’s effectiveness diminishes. This often occurs because of receptor down regulation. At this point steroid receptor sites are no longer recognizing the exogenous androgens -- they then are of no further benefit to the user. Plateaus can occur after as few as three weeks, but are more often reported after six weeks. Athletes try to overcome plateaus by increasing the dosage of the drug to keep it working. This is effective up to a certain point, but soon reaches potentially harmful dosages. Another common practice is to cycle the steroids in a stack-stagger pattern. In this type of cycle the user takes a number of different steroids, each for three to six weeks. Taken in short intervals, the receptor sites usually do not shut down. Other steroid users stop the drugs when they reach a plateau. Other users feel special arrays do not reach plateaus. An array is a stack of two or more steroids, or drugs.
    RADIOIMMUNOASSAY: (RIA) One method used for anabolic steroid detection. This method is inadequate as it produces false positive and negative readings.REBOUND: A condition many athletes experience after they discontinue a steroid cycle. During this rebound state the athlete often incurs his best strength and size gains. This may be due to an over production of testosterone by the testes upon the cessation of exogenous steroid use. HCG administration further enhances this effect.RECEPTOR MAPPING: This is a technique used in attempt to determine a certain steroid’s effects on a given individual. Each person reacts differently to dosages of different steroids. Mapping is done in an effort to individualize dosages so that one maximizes gains while minimizing side effects. Mapping starts with recording a number of aspects of a cycle. First, all the steroids taken must be carefully documented everyday. Graphs of weight and strength gains should be made up and filled in once a week. A thorough diary should be kept which reports any side effects like acne, water retention, gynecomastia, etc. Other variables should be monitored like energy levels, sex drive, and appetite. Usually these are recorded three times a week. During the cycle, the dosages should be steadily increased. If side effects are occurring concurrently with strength and weight gains, the dosage should be lowered to see if gains outweigh the adverse reactions. All the variable readings can give clues as to whether the drugs are working. If effective, energy levels, appetite, and sex drive should be high. This method has some flaws. It does not account for variables such as a sufficient off cycle, improper training, and/or deficient nutrition. Mapping one drug at a time is more accurate than trying to map a stack of drugs (6).RISK TO BENEFIT FACTOR: Using prudent restraint in administering anabolic steroids. The risk to benefit factor analyzes the increase in benefit derived from using additional quantities of a drug or by additional items to the anabolic steroid stack. The risk to benefit factor should favor the benefit to justify the additional use of anabolic steroids (6).SIDE EFFECTS: The unwanted effects or adverse reactions from using drugs read anabolic steroids.STACKING: Taking two or more anabolic steroids at the same time. Athletes will saturate multiple steroid receptor populations more effectively than if only one steroid was used. Thus lower dosages are necessary reducing side effects for the user. Users claim that certain drugs are synergistic or work better together. Popular stacks are Deca and Dianabol, Anavar and Testosterone, and Winstrol and Parabolan. Other drugs are "pre-stacked" by the manufacturer. Some of these are: Primoteston, Sustanon, Drive, and Spectriol. ARRAY: This is a term that some athletes refer to as a stack. This might refer to a number of steroid preparations being used in a select pattern and/or stagger combination.STAGGER The use of several steroids in an overlapping pattern with or without variable dosage.SUPPLEMENT: A non-food preparation, pill, powder or liquid, containing nutrients.SYNERGISTIC: The cooperative enhancement when one drug multiplies the effectiveness of another.VIRILIZE: The attainment of the characteristics of a mature male. Women who use steroids risk virilizing effects -- caused by the androgens which exist in all anabolic steroids to a varying degree.