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Anabolic Steroids Enhance Creatine Effects

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  • Anabolic Steroids Enhance Creatine Effects

    Should You Take More Creatine On Cycle?

    There is no doubt that creatine is one of the biggest supplement breakthroughs to hit the market since the invention of protein powder. The effects of creatine use can no longer even be questioned. In fact creatine works so well that some sports leagues have banned its use. Why creatine is so well known for promoting muscle mass, and is so effective at doing so. That many of us have a friend or two who have made the comment “dude you’re taking creatine? That’s the same thing as taking steroids, its cheating!!!” Of course you and I know better, and anyone who has spent enough time on a steroid/bodybuilding forum also knows better. OR DO THEY???

    If you have spent time one any steroid/bodybuilding forum you may have seen this questioned asked more than a few times. Is creatine worth taking well on a steroid cycle?

    Often no real good answer for either side of the argument is given. Half truths, guesses, and at best a semi explained reason for one side or the other. Today I am not only going to give the the answer but cover the topic in great detail. If you’re not taking creatine with your steroid cycles now, you will be after today. If you are taking creatine during your steroid cycles you will double or triple your intake after today. Today you will not only learn why creatine is worth taking during a steroid cycle but that is detrimental to your gains. Today you will learn that creatine can be the difference in good gains and Massive gains!!!!

    Normally I would like to have put everything in my own words. However the following quote covers the fundamental foundations of the topic so thoroughly that it’s imposable not to use his work. So I will simple build on the foundation in which Mr. Michael Gunddill has set in place for us.

    “Michael Gundill (a.k.a. Dharkam)….Although creatine does have testosterone-like effects, it doesn’t act as a steroid hormone. Instead, it’s a mediator of some of the androgens’ anabolic effects. In fact, steroid users get far more out of their cycles if they take in massive amounts of creatine along with the drugs. Androgens are among the hormones that can force the entry of creatine into muscle cells. While there’s a clear relationship between muscle strength gains and increases in muscle creatine stores, unfortunately, the relationship is not as obvious when it comes to increases in muscle mass. Animal-based studies have shown that the muscles of untrained rats take up as much creatine as the muscles of trained rats, but the ANABOLIC effects of creatine are only obvious in trained rats. Therefore, training increases the muscles sensitivity to the anabolic actions of creatine. (Although it’s not related to this article,the study also demonstrated that the anabolic effects of creatine are DIRECT, and not mediated by water retention. In fact, in the 1970s American and Russian studies pointed out a DIRECT anabolic effect of creatine on muscle cells). Testosterone increases the muscles’ sensitivity to the anabolic properties of creatine in addition to enhancing the creatine buildup in muscle fibers. It’s also obvious that part of the strength gains people experience while on steroids are mediated by an increase in muscle creatine stores. An interesting discovery A/S users have made is that they should dramatically increase their creatine intake during a cycle to boost the potency of the steroids. Thanks to creatine, people can build more muscle mass with fewer drugs. Anecdotal evidence from A/S users points out that it takes at least 10-15 grams(maintenance)of creatine a day to visibly enhance the the anabolic potency of a steroid stack. There are probably good reasons for the increased creatine requirement when androgen levels are high. As mentioned above, steroids increase the muscle uptake of creatine, and if the muscles are ready to accept more creatine, why not give it to them? I also think that even though steroids enhance creatine synthesis, they may increase creatine degradation as well-so more creatine is used up every day. That could be due to an increase in muscle creatine turnover and also the fact that an elevated muscle Protein synthesis rate will likely consume creatine at a faster rate. Other reasons for a higher creatine requirement may be indirect. Because the muscles of drug users are stronger and receive more training, they may waste greater amounts of creatine during training. Once inside the muscle, creatine provides not only an anabolic effect, but also a rapidly mobilized source of fuel. Muscle Protein synthesis is a process that wastes great amounts of energy. Anabolism is an ATP-dependent process, which means that it’s essential for Protein synthesis. If the cellular level of ATP is reduced even a little, IT STOPS ANABOLISM. So even if you can increase the testosterone content of your muscles, nothing will happen if your ATP level is low. Creatine supports anabolism by providing energy to the muscle”.

    Now I will expand on this subject and shed light as to why this guy was pretty much spot on with what he said. People always promote creatine off cycle, but I like our good friend “Michael Gundill” Feel the steroid world must know the truth, and we must change the way people think!!

    Recent research has shown that both creatine and AAS work through the same mechanisms within the body. The most notable mechanism in which they work through to create their anabolic effects is GLUT-4. Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) belongs to the assisted glucose transporter family and is mainly expressed in insulin-sensitive tissues, muscle and fat. In response to insulin, and other stimuli such as exercise, GLUT4 undergoes a rapid redistribution within the cell that results in a gain in surface of GLUT4 levels, and this mechanism predominantly accounts for changes in glucose transport in muscle and adipocytes (liver cells). This mechanism involves a complex interplay between signal transduction and vesicular transport pathways. As we all know insulin plays a huge role in controlling blood glucose. This also explains why bodybuilders are willing to gamble and inject insulin even though they know there is a chance of dying after each injection. After this research was released doctors told their diabetic patients to sway from creatine usage due to its similarity to insulin in which it works within the body! While creatine may not be as potent as Slin it still holds its own benefits.

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