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Luke Wood still would have died

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  • Ashop
    Originally posted by FitnessBrat View Post
    The hospital sounds a little negligent to me, but if his body was rejecting the kidney then there is probably little they would have been able to do.
    I agree. Of course there is a possibility this could have happened regardless however it did happen at this hospital and I feel like they are some what responsible,,,in this case.

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  • FitnessBrat
    The hospital sounds a little negligent to me, but if his body was rejecting the kidney then there is probably little they would have been able to do.

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  • henry
    unless you have the money like arnold to get it fixed

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  • Bouncer
    Your right, he would have. This is the kind of thing that can happen when you abuse your body to the max and happen to have some underlying genetic condition.

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  • henry
    started a topic Luke Wood still would have died

    Luke Wood still would have died

    Hospital not to blame in body builder death -

    Im not sure I believe it, apparently the hospital screwed up alot but still arent to blame.