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Help hgh protocol

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  • Help hgh protocol

    Alright guys I’ve invested some $$$ in Gh I want your guys input. I want to run 8iu a day... heres the problem I want to inj all at once I don’t want to complicate things doing a protocol splitting all that crap. but if that’s the best way than I will, I was planing on doing a huge bulk but now adding Gh this will be my first time running Gh I want to run a 6 month off season with test deca Gh and humalog post work out. These are generic green tops I have way to much going on my life where I want to do a protocol but I don’t to wash my money down the drain either. question is if I wake up 6am inj 8iu do cardio by 6:15 do 30min cardio than eat my first meal around 730 is that enough time to have the Gh in my blood stream before I can eat.i also heard your liver can only use 4-5iu Gh every 6-7 hr idk if that’s true but want your guys input thanks guys!!

  • #2
    if this GH is even half decent and it's your first time 8iu will knock you on your ass. you will be dead tired and lazy as fuck within 3-4 days. trust me.

    start out with 4iu for a week and shoot whenever is convenient for you. the whole timing thing looks good on paper but in the real world as long as it's good gh you will get good results no matter what time of day you inject.


    • #3
      This is what I like to hear ok so I can start

      4iu first 2 weeks
      6iu 3-4 weeks
      8iu 5th week on sound about right

      And if anything I can drop the dose back to 6iu if I feel like shit


      • #4
        Originally posted by Pharmavol labs View Post
        This is what I like to hear ok so I can start

        4iu first 2 weeks
        6iu 3-4 weeks
        8iu 5th week on sound about right

        And if anything I can drop the dose back to 6iu if I feel like shit
        sounds about right brother.


        • #5
          8iu will have you in lethargic mode and becoming hella insulin resistance, let'snot mentioned the carpel tunnel. 2iu twice a day IMO.

          Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

          Last edited by boricuarage79; 02-28-20, 11:47 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by boricuarage79 View Post
            8iu will have you in lethargic mode and becoming hella insulin resistance, let'snot mentioned the carpel tunnel. 4iu twice a day IMO.

            Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk
            Agree. If it's good gh he won't be able to run 8. Sides will be too strong.

            Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk


            • #7
              I workout at nighttime and would tpin the Humalog pre-workout if you only want to use GH once a day pin them both preworkout, then go home and eat and sleep off the GH. I assume you would use a preworkout shake with 8-10grams of fast acting carbs and aminos to be safe and get the most out of the slin. Or pin before bed so you sleep through the lethargy, for bulking I wouldn't go below 6iu but would start at 4 and work up to get used to it. You should also use T4 GH depletes it and that will make you get tired quicker.


              • #8

                For best results, (at least with my experience) splitting up into 3 shots a day worked very well for me. So what you can do is take 2iu's when u wake up, 3iu's post workout, and 3iu's b4 bed. There's your 8iu split.

                U have to work your way up to 8iu a day as well. I've tried 8iu all at once, and not gradually increasing it, i start to get psoriasis. Really painful, and especially bad on my triceps.

                Note.. Ive never had anything close to this disorder (psoriasis) in my life. Due to the side effects of hgh, well not side effects but general reason to take it, it rapidly grows new cells. And my body couldn't handle that much at one time. And trust me, its embarrassing but even more painful. It went away as soon as i backed off my dose.

                So in a nutshell, what im saying is your body will tell you if you are taking too much. And it happens within a few days(at least in my experience)

                If i were u, I would start with 1iu (2x per day), and work your way up to 3 shots per day at 1iu. Then up to 2iu's (3x/day). You won't need more than 6iu/day if it's good stuff. After a year or so at this dose if u wanna increase the insulin units, do so but u need to take insulin and keep an eye on your tsh levels (your thyroid). You may need to incorporate some synthroid (T4) with such a high dose.

                Good luck with your decision! I hope that my past experiences will help u make your best educated decision, regardless if you take my advice or not. And PLEASE post and tell us what you have decided on, and how it's going for you! Excited to hear your results!!

                Sent from my LM-V405 using Tapatalk


                • #9
                  Well I reading this advice because I’m currently running 4iu a day split & im planning on moving up to 8iu myself soon.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jhntruevine View Post
                    Well I reading this advice because I’m currently running 4iu a day split & im planning on moving up to 8iu myself soon.
                    You able to train right now?

                    Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk


                    • #11
                      I’m doing home training with dumbbells & bands. I have a door anchor for the bands so it’s like having cables at home. I do back work, shoulders, chest & biceps & triceps with them in many variations & have had decent results. I train for about 2 hours a day 6 days a week most weeks since the quarantine started. I hoping the gyms will open up at the beginning of the month here in Baltimore.


                      • #12
                        The doses of GH have really gone up over the years. Or, it's because the GH is not pharmaceutical grade.

                        The easiest GH to get used to be serostim straight from a US pharmacy. Because, all you had to do was go to an HIV clinic and you could easily find a guy willing to sell their GH. They gave it to any HIV patient that asked back then and they prescribed them a lot. 9 IUs a day was what was prescribed. The normal dose for bodybuilders was 4 IUs a day with 10 IUs humilin R 2 X a day and a low dose of cytomel. That was THE combination, along with anabolics.

                        Now guys are guessing if what they have is real or if its underdosed. The consequences of our wonderful government somehow thinking that steroids and GH should be as controlled a substance as opiates, lol. Just stupidity and pure overreaction and everybody ends up worse off in the end.

                        No matter what is done if there is a market for something, if money can be made, that substance will be available, somehow. Unfortunately, what is available is often times not sterile, not correctly dosed or just pure garbage. I do not believe 8 IUs of GH is neccessary. Most likely the product used is underdosed. Think you are using 8 ius a day when you are using half that. I did know guys that would use the entire 9 IUs a day. A bloated stomach seemed to be inevitable at that dose.

                        Sent from my SM-A207M using Tapatalk


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                          You able to train right now?

                          Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk
                          You do not need to if it is real GH and you are using 4 IUs a day.

                          As I said above I would never recommend or use more than that. Yes, I am more concerned with building a balanced, symmetrical and nice to look at physique.

                          If you want to look like a Branch Warren or Dave Palumbo type go for it. I'm not criticizing that look at all it's just not for me. Was I in awe and shocked when I first saw Dave Palumbo, hell yes I was. I had never seen anything like it. Did I know he would never be a pro or a good pro. Of course I did.

                          However, I admired his physique a lot. He pushed it to the limit. He definitely got a whole lot of attention doing it too. Just realize what potentially could happen if you double a dose that is working already. Most likely you do not have Dave's genetics because not many in this world do. He was so big, hard and freaky vascular people just didn't care about the pregnant looking stomach(besides the judges). The dude was like 5'9" 290 pounds on stage with like 3% bodyfat. He would go up to 320 or so, remember only 5'9", with a BF around 10%. That is just stupidly big and very impressive. He got away with the bloated stomach because of that type of size.

                          Imagine if he did the same thing but did not have those insane genetics. 5'9" 190 pounds with just as bloated a stomach. That is the most likely outcome and that does not translate well at all.

                          Sent from my SM-A207M using Tapatalk


                          • #14
                            What brand are you running? Have you had bloodwork done to test igf-1 levels? I’ll sound like a broken record but for you to say you’re running 8iu of GH is like saying you’re taking 1cc of test a week. Is your test dosed at 50mg or 600mg? iu is just a measurement. You need to know your levels to know how to do soon. In my mind if you’re igf-1 is anything over 400 you’re running too high of a dose unless you’re competing. Just my 2 cents.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chadd77 View Post
                              What brand are you running? Have you had bloodwork done to test igf-1 levels? I’ll sound like a broken record but for you to say you’re running 8iu of GH is like saying you’re taking 1cc of test a week. Is your test dosed at 50mg or 600mg? iu is just a measurement. You need to know your levels to know how to do soon. In my mind if you’re igf-1 is anything over 400 you’re running too high of a dose unless you’re competing. Just my 2 cents.
                              Competing or not it's too much.

                              Sent from my SM-A207M using Tapatalk

