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Question about Christmas

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  • #16
    Because I was raised to celebrate it. It is the socially acceptable thing to do.

    My wife is Christian and her family consists of a bunch of Holy rollers. Keeping them off my ass by saying I do is enough.


    • #17
      Christmas is about people coming together with their family and friends and showing them how much they love them, just like Thanksgiving. People eat to they bust and give each other fun presents to open and decorate. :)


      • #18
        For Keiser

        < set to a blues rhythm >


        O Holy night
        The stars are brightly shining
        It is the night of our dear savior's birth

        Now you all heard the story about Bethlehem
        How the child was born and the three wise men
        Heard the preacher tell it like the preacher does
        But let me tell you, children,
        That's not how it was

        Now you might ask me what I'm talking about
        But I know the part that they all left out

        Now do you hear what I said
        That Herod wanted those wise men dead
        But on that blessed evening
        My great great great great great great granddad
        He saved those kings

        Now granddad made his living
        Playing jazz you see
        But jazz wasn't big around one A.D.
        So he got himself a job in the palace band
        Where he heard about three kings
        In the desert sand

        Let me tell you children that at any time
        Three kings in the desert that's a real rare find

        But Herod heard of it too
        And when he heard his curiosity grew
        So he asked those kings to drop by
        And my great great great great great great
        He wondered why

        So the Magi told old Herod
        That they had come here
        To find a newborn king of kings
        Who'd heal our sins
        Then herod told his guards
        To follow those Magi
        And that the only king around here
        Was gonna' be him

        Then he told his soldiers as I recall
        When they found that child, to kill them all
        But granddad overheard what Herod said
        And he had to act fast or else they'd all be dead

        So granddad got to those kings
        Filled them in on the plan, told them everything
        When they heard what he had in store
        They grabbed the gold
        The frankincense
        The myrrh, the jewels
        The desert tents
        And when they found
        His plan was sound
        They followed granddad out the back door

        And what a night
        It must have been
        But when God is on your side
        You kinda' know that in the end
        You're gonna win

        They traveled fast
        They traveled far
        And in the end they found
        That they were standing with the Child
        Beneath the star


        And so you see we've reached the end
        Of our story
        When granddad and the kings
        Reached that stable on the hill
        And while I said that
        Three kings in the desert is a rare sight
        Angels singing in the desert that's far rarer still

        Now I ain't sayin' that the bible was wrong
        But ya' see the whole tale
        Would have taken too long
        'Cause way back then in the promised land
        Every copy they sold,
        It had to be written by hand

        And granddad lived a long life
        Stayed friends with those kings
        And found a good wife
        And eventually I came along
        But that my children
        That my children
        That's another song

        Trans-Siberian Orchestra- The Christmas Attic Lava Records 1998


        • #19
          Originally posted by hitmansb
          The politically correct crap is really starting to get on my nerves...towns scrapping their nativity scenes, schools walking on's out of control. I think we Christians should give everyone else a dose of it, and scream bloody murder about being offended at the very mention of Hannuka, Ramadan, or any other religious celebration that is contrary to our beliefs. It's so bloody ridiculous.
          well said bro:D


          • #20
            I think there is 2 sides to Christmas... I think it has totally commercialized and become this totally separate thing from the religious part. In my house we celebrate both... we talk about Jesus and his birth and how lucky we are to be born and what it means to be a good christian person. Then we have lights and a tree and presents and decorations. It's like a totally separate thing.


            • #21
              Originally posted by dreamgirl
              I think there is 2 sides to Christmas... I think it has totally commercialized and become this totally separate thing from the religious part. In my house we celebrate both... we talk about Jesus and his birth and how lucky we are to be born and what it means to be a good christian person. Then we have lights and a tree and presents and decorations. It's like a totally separate thing.
              :agree: Our family always prays before the gifts get opened to remind everyone what the season is about! It turns into a cry fest for the adults because they always remember the loved ones we have lost and the family members that are serving our country elsewhere and couldn't be there! The kids go crazy with the toys and then argue about who got the best one and they won't share with the other kids! I'll be glad when it is over!

