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Do you become a present detective?

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  • Do you become a present detective?

    Trying to find your gifts before there wraped and try to figure out what there are once they are wrapped?

    I searched the house for my presents one time. My christmas morning felt very uneventful. Never did it again.

  • #2
    never have, even as a kid.

    but i tell you what, my three year old son, completely the opposite. haha


    • #3
      i did it a couple of times, and i liked it because if it was something i really wanted i couldn't wait til Christmas to get it. lol.


      • #4
        my wife and dont exchange --

        my 2 girls dont look --- good thing --stuff would not be hard to find


        • #5
          I used to be the worst, especially when I was a kid. I'd find the wrapped gifts hidden in the attic and carefully open the wrapping to see what was inside and close it back up again, then go into actor mode on Christmas morning pretending to be surprised. LOL It really was fun then. Then after I got married I'll look around and find something here or there but it wasn't as fun anymore. Plus it really bothers Stromba if I peek, so now I don't look and if I know something is somewhere I just won't look there. Right now there's something in his jeep and I could go look, but I won't. I'll let him save it for Christmas morning.

          Stromba is the exact opposite of me. He never looks and doesn't want to know until Christmas morning. My daughter is like him that she won't seek the gifts out to see them but she will ask if she's getting this or that. Sometimes I'll say yes but usually I'll say maybe or I don't know,


          • #6
            I peeked once when I was a kid and was staying at my Aunt's. Whenever I stay at someone else's place I never really go to sleep. Don't know why. Well there were the presents, everyone was asleep so I peeked at my gifts, which sucked C-O-C-K. I then looked at me cousin's gifts and the fucker was getting a He-Man Triclops toy. After that I never looke dbecause I didn't want to set myself up for disappointment.


            • #7
              I carefully "examine" packages trying to figure out what might be in them but I never actually peek.


              • #8
                I found the present stash one year when I was kid and let it slip that I knwe what I was getting and my dad actually went and returned everything and got other stuff.

                Now my dad can't keep a secret to save his life I've known what I was getting from him for the last few years months before christmas. I acltualt stopped him from telling me this year atl east 4-5 times.

                I year I was moving stuff under the tree to put my wifes stuff under there and figuered out one of my gifts. I told a friend what I thought it was and he ratted me out. My wife was SOOOO pissed off she didn't talk to me for days. I won't even go near my gifts if I know where they are now.


                • #9
                  I used to do it when i was a little kid. But after i was around 14 i never really cared what i got anymore, and never thought to look again. Plus it is pretty fucked up to the person giving the gift.


                  • #10
                    when i was a kidd i used to always open my presents carefully then close them back up. one time i couldnt rewrap the thing so i messed it up to make it look like the cat did it. yea i got caught.


                    • #11
                      I wrap the kids presents from us right away and put them out in the living room even if our tree isn't up... and santa is real so they don't go looking.


                      • #12
                        I am a very hard person to shop for, or at least that is what I am told! I am usually there when my gift is being bought or they give me money or gift cards!


                        • #13
                          I'd rather be suprised, I never try to figure out what people get me

