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  • Bouncer

    I just wanted to say that I am impressed with the man you have become.

    Your Avatar is evidence of your taste for the finer things in life and contrary to your guido tendencies you have slowly matured like a fine Cheddar cheese under my steady influence of the English Way.

    I now see your real potential and one day you may yet be able to sit at the table with me on equal terms:clapback:

  • #2


    • #3
      he smells like cheese.


      • #4

        i will admit that there are many things about the UK and UK humor that I love.

        but for fuckes sake.. those speed cameras are ruining your country. you guys basically invented motor racing and the whole attitude behind it and now you a bunch of pansies.


        • #5
          Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post

          i will admit that there are many things about the UK and UK humor that I love.

          but for fuckes sake.. those speed cameras are ruining your country. you guys basically invented motor racing and the whole attitude behind it and now you a bunch of pansies.
          yeah speed cameras are an issue and its a total revenue for the Police more than a real safety gig, people merely slow down for them then speed up again.

          You can buy gizmo's that detect and warn you of them though, hell even the average TomTom satnav beeps where you get near known speed trap locations.

          Also I've beat the rap on them twice now, but yeah they are a pain


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
            yeah speed cameras are an issue and its a total revenue for the Police more than a real safety gig, people merely slow down for them then speed up again.

            You can buy gizmo's that detect and warn you of them though, hell even the average TomTom satnav beeps where you get near known speed trap locations.

            Also I've beat the rap on them twice now, but yeah they are a pain
            if everyone in the country would just destroy them they would no longer work! :thumup:


            • #7
              Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
              if everyone in the country would just destroy them they would no longer work! :thumup:
              haha, IT HAPPENS FREQUENTLY


              • #8
                You guys should move to Cali it is one big party down here :D

