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Nothing like spending the weekend locked up

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  • #16
    Bouncer's right man, you have to get past this shit as best you can. Stay as far away and have as little contact with her as possible. From this point on you need to be smart about things. Find a smart friend or family member who can help calm you down and give you advice when needed.

    As for the charges, its standard procedure to write you up for every last thing possible. The DA will review the report and decide which charges actually get filed. Then, in court, you will most likely plea to one and have the rest dismissed. Hard to tell without more info about any possible history but since you already did what will amount to 2 or 3 days on paper, you will likely end up on some type of probation and some other things like community service, restitution, etc.


    • #17
      Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
      you deserved it. you were an idiot...

      you acted like a fucken stalker following her around and shit. she can do whatever she wants.

      gotta move on bro or your life will be absolute shit.
      Good post. It does sound harsh, but you have got to drop all emotion for her.



      • #18
        For fucks sake Frank, what did you think, oh we're splitting up so I'll try and get myself hurt even more!

        Straight talking time now, I been there bro had a chick mess me around, try make me jelous all that shit so I felt those emotions and I'm sure your feeling lonely and shit. So fucking what, it will pass trust me.

        Stop acting like a tool, have some self pride, your relationship with her is done, DONE!

        Don't get all wound up, move on.

        Saying this in a freindly way but "who the fuck do you think you are to wallow in self pity, your a very lucky guy you have kids, there's people in this world that are really suffering"

        Also if you splitting up she can do what she likes so get over it, you don't own each other, I know its harsh but I mean it in a helpful way and if you feel like it you can date too if and when you feel. Your a good loking guy, a little big and scary for most girls I would have thought lol! but there's always a market!

        C'mon man step up to the plate and don't get drawn in


        • #19
          Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
          you deserved it. you were an idiot...

          you acted like a fucken stalker following her around and shit. she can do whatever she wants.

          gotta move on bro or your life will be absolute shit.
          though its what i wouldnt want to hear if i was in your situation and know you dont want to hear it either but bouncer hit it on the head bro !!


          • #20
            Glad you're back bro - nobody wants to spend time in jail, it sucks, have to agree that it wasn't the smartest move on your part, but shit man I feel for ya - i hate the cage.


            • #21
              You guys are all right on. Deep down I still love her and was kinda hoping things could have been fixed. BUt I sm kinda glad I found them together. Makes it easier to move on. I have to be the bigger person and not be so hot headed. But I think Im good now...


              • #22
                Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                You guys are all right on. Deep down I still love her and was kinda hoping things could have been fixed. BUt I sm kinda glad I found them together. Makes it easier to move on. I have to be the bigger person and not be so hot headed. But I think Im good now...
                Hang in there. Like I said, I blew my top too. Im a jealous mutha fuka and its got me in more trouble than its worth.

                Try to keep yourself busy with some good friends and a chica wouldnt be bad, just dont harp on your ex with the new one.

                On avg it takes around 14 months to get over a long term relationship. thats what it took me after a 5 yr relationship.

                Good luck and keep us posted.



                • #23
                  i smacked a phone out of a girls hand once and got a charge they tried to give me a year said the phone was an extention of her body the time got suspended but what a joke. yea bro move on and ur even seeing other chics so forget her if she acted that way. theres too many out there. i agree love or a woman can make us do crazy shit where u dont think right. good luck but move on.


                  • #24
                    I boned a chick that worked at a gym for a good while, when it ended she turned into a cunt, told me I had two choices 1) Fuck off 2) If I kept coming to the gym she would tell police I was harrassing her lol!

                    I got all stubborn and thought fuck her why should I change what I do, I love to train and its my local gym blah blah, I even told the cops what the bitch was planning. So when she tried it on they had a record of my complaint LOL!,

                    Point is though, I should have walked and never gone back when it ended, it always wound me up seeing her.

                    Its great that you were in a loving relationship when those kids were created. no-one can ever take that away, no-one. Maybe that bond will always be there, but you need to move on mate. You have a whole life ahead of you.

                    I know its Christmas and all but at the end of the day its down you you my freind, you have to realise that you have options, yes you may get kicked a couple times but there are lots of decent women out there when your ready and it won't affect your time with your kids.

                    keep us posted mate

