i honestly don't know if anyone is talking because i keep my head phones on and head down in the gym.
if i am training with my boy he keeps his head phones on too. the worst thing you can do in the gym is stop and chat in between sets..
I just asked him how many sets he had left on a machine and that was how it started.
I would use headphones but they mess me up I can't do as good in the gym with headphones on for some reason, like I need to hear the sounds of the gym, I know it is weird.
I just asked him how many sets he had left on a machine and that was how it started.
I would use headphones but they mess me up I can't do as good in the gym with headphones on for some reason, like I need to hear the sounds of the gym, I know it is weird.
They play too gay of music ( Miley Cyrus type shit) in my gym for me not to wear headphones. Do they have decent music at least playing or nothing at all?
They play too gay of music ( Miley Cyrus type shit) in my gym for me not to wear headphones. Do they have decent music at least playing or nothing at all?
After 5:00 they either put on classic rock or new rock so the music is fine.
I just asked him how many sets he had left on a machine and that was how it started.
$100 says you didnt go over and say "how many sets you got" and walked away. you went up and said, "hey bro whats up, how many sets you got" with a smile on your face. thus you initiated the convo! :P
yea i learned from that shit. you start being friendly to people and pretty soon its a fucking pic nic in the gym.
i dont even make eye contact with people anymore. they try to get my attention and i scream..... NOT NOW CHIEF, I AM IN THE FUCKING ZONE!
The issue i have is some of my friends come in when i am in the middle of my workout and we chat. However, if its some random person i just look at them real pissed off and angry like.
The issue i have is some of my friends come in when i am in the middle of my workout and we chat. However, if its some random person i just look at them real pissed off and angry like.
$100 says you didnt go over and say "how many sets you got" and walked away. you went up and said, "hey bro whats up, how many sets you got" with a smile on your face. thus you initiated the convo! :P
Nope, I actually just pointed at the machine without saying a word and waited for a response. He said one more set then I did my classic inspection of my calluses on my hands till he was done. Then, when I was waiting for my training budy to finish up his set he came in with this convo, didn't last more than a minute but after that he was working out right next to me and you could just see the look on his face that he was pissed. And he usually will talk your ear off and he said nothing.
Nope, I actually just pointed at the machine without saying a word and waited for a response. He said one more set then I did my classic inspection of my calluses on my hands till he was done. Then, when I was waiting for my training budy to finish up his set he came in with this convo, didn't last more than a minute but after that he was working out right next to me and you could just see the look on his face that he was pissed. And he usually will talk your ear off and he said nothing.
should have just raised up your hand with the stop signal and said, "i only demand of you 1 thing... shut up the fuck you must". :agreed: