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Ferguson, Missouri

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  • #16
    ^ you're in the rhelms of ethnic cleansing now Hitler


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
      Can you tell why they had to fire like 7 lethal shots to a guy nowhere near them? Totally excessive imo. They could easily have put one in his leg and watched him drop
      And if your scenario doesn't stop him and now the cop is in the hospital? Is that how you would handle it if you have the gun and he's coming after you or your loved one? Native.

      And what is no where near them? A "far" distance would be 30ft. How quickly can you advanced 10 yards?


      • #18
        Holding a weapon and not listening to a police officer...You might end up dead.

        Fighting/resisting a police officer [even if the arrest is unlawful] might end up dead.

        Trying to get an officer'officer's gun...You most surely will end up dead.

        You might not like the rules, but that is the game.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
          ^ you're in the rhelms of ethnic cleansing now Hitler
          if any race deserves that...



          • #20
            Police In England And Wales Went Two Years Without Fatally Shooting Someone | FiveThirtyEight

            RESPONSE TO ALL - let us show you how its done


            • #21
              London police shoot attackers who killed British …: London police shoot attackers who killed British soldier Lee Rigby (May 23, 2013) - YouTube

              Again, even here, watch and learn how skilled operators work even with assailants sprinting at them with meat ckeavers


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                No thanks, I don't care about your stats when the US contains 19% of the WORLD'S population, and the UK contains less than 1% of the world's population.

                Ferguson proved to me that MORE people need to be armed. You are in charge of protecting yourself, the police in the US have ZERO duty to protect you. Go look up case law on the subject. I saw businesses completely ruined by an illiterate mob in Ferguson, police in full gear watched as these idiots destroyed everything.


                • #23


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                    White noise


                    • #25
                      things are going to continue to escalate whether we accept it or not. everyone who is willing to (try) and prove a point, mostly those self proclaimed "thugs" will poke and prod at police officers until they get some sort of response. if a cop walks away, he's a coward, but if he actually tries to handle the situation, he's racist. and honestly, the people poking and proding are the "minorities" that are trying to prove a point. at least that's what i've experienced.

                      but then again, you are subject to form opinions off of what you hear and see, not what you actually research and come up with. you're never going to hear about a white "thug" getting hurt by a white cop. media won't feed into that.

