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Verizon tells customer he needs 75Mbps for smoother Netflix video

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  • Verizon tells customer he needs 75Mbps for smoother Netflix video

    Verizon tells customer he needs 75Mbps for smoother Netflix video | Ars Technica

  • #2
    I've heard of a lot of controversy over Verizon's fiber performance for netflix. I saw a video where a guy used proxies or vpn (cant remember which) to show that Netflix works full speed but without the proxy/VPN it was horrible performance. Suggesting Verizon is intentionally limiting bandwidth to Netflix. I also read that Netflix claims the same thing as they are the only ones having this problem. Of course Verizon denies any throttling and says they are digging into the matter.


    • #3
      About a year ago, Netflix was absolutely terrible on Comcast. I think that was the time when they were having all the contract disputes. Now, it is superb. I don't know if it is the SuperHD or whatever, but the quality is great. It takes about 15-20 seconds for the HD to ramp up from 480p, but it goes to top resolution pretty fast.

      BTW, I get over 100Mbps with Comcast, so maybe that helps.

