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Great day saturday

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  • Great day saturday

    Had an old Army buddy come see me fri. We were Drill Sgts together back in the mid 90's and served in desert Storm together. He asked if I could maybe take him and his son out sat for opening day of deer season(rifle) as his boy had never done it and was very intrested in learning. His son a math wiz..21 years old and tutors advance math at several local collages.:thumb: I took him out off shore fishing when he was about 15 and put him on his first Kingfish and Cobia.

    He was hunting with his Grandfathers old 30.30 that he bought back in 1956 as a deer rifle for himself and was passed down to him when he passed. Anyway to make a long story short, I put his dad up in a spot..then trecked farther back with ben and placed him in one of my favorite spots deep in the swamp..told him where to watch and I went farther back. As it turned light I had hogs all around me but watched them go, finally about 8:00 a doe came by I took out...I then hear a shot from Ben's location and got excited. Text him and told him stay in the tree and memorize where he shot and which way it ran...last seen location and Id be on my way.Said he shot at a 6 point buck...:laugh::laugh:

    I got there and found a drop of blood..called his dad over and told ben to get down, we taught him how to blood trail and after just 80 yds found his first deer...and what a deer it was!!! Great buck for this area..4.5 years old 156 lbs 8 point! There were lots of handshakes and hugs going around. What a special moment for a couple old Army buddies to share and a father and son moment.

    A few pics..

    My buddy Bone and his son Ben

    Ben just taking it all in..

    Ben and I..

    size 85 lb doe and his buck

  • #2
    Did you make the kid do the dirty work of dragging the fucker back to the truck and and cutting up the meat and all that? Please tell me you did.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
      Did you make the kid do the dirty work of dragging the fucker back to the truck and and cutting up the meat and all that? Please tell me you did.
      OF course..his as was worn out..hell we all were:agreed::agreed:


      • #4
        Good. I feel like some people send the wrong message when they show the kid the "fun" side of things and then let them skip on the hard part. Doesn't teach them to appreciate and respect what they are doing.


        • #5
          Dragging a deer out of the woods is a good cardio session. I was a sweaty mess by the time I gutted and drug my doe out that I just took in archery. Fortunately I had a down hill drag so it wasn't too bad.

          That's a good looking buck Lip. I bet he was excited!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chadd77 View Post
            Dragging a deer out of the woods is a good cardio session. I was a sweaty mess by the time I gutted and drug my doe out that I just took in archery. Fortunately I had a down hill drag so it wasn't too bad.

            That's a good looking buck Lip. I bet he was excited!
            Yea Bro he was super excited...he kept telling me how it "appeared" like a ghost out of nowhere. Also that he couldnt believe how bad his whole body was shaking , and he couldnt stop it...:rofl::rofl::rofl: hes hooked to say the least:thumb:


            • #7
              Make you to tell him to not expect a buck like that every year now! :D


              • #8
                Originally posted by Chadd77 View Post
                Make you to tell him to not expect a buck like that every year now! :D
                His dads biggest deer is a spike buck...:thumb: So it was funny because we were discussing that with him after we found the deer. At the exact same moment we both said(talking about ben)...he's ruined now...:grin::agreed::agreed:

