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First TOW II I fired

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  • First TOW II I fired

    Back in 1986 I was a young SPC Cavalry Trooper in the 2ACR first TOW II I fired from the ground mount.

    And Bouncer talks about his 9

    Sent from my E6910 using Tapatalk

  • #2
    Cool pic Lip!

    Can you imagine bouncer in that situation? He would be running around with face moisturizer making sure everyone’s skin was nice and soft!


    • #3
      Yea that's pretty cool shot. Why didn't you aim it towards Pelosi while you had chance? You ever shoot those big fucken artillery guns? I bet they are a kick in the chest.

      Chad I will be the cause if your untimely death you mother fucker you!

      Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
        Yea that's pretty cool shot. Why didn't you aim it towards Pelosi while you had chance? You ever shoot those big fucken artillery guns? I bet they are a kick in the chest.

        Chad I will be the cause if your untimely death you mother fucker you!

        Sent from my moto g(6) using Tapatalk
        Never fired Artillery..I have dropped 4 duce mortors( biggest) and I've also loaded driven and fired M60a3. And M1 tanks though. Just in cross training was fun shit no doubt.

        Sent from my E6910 using Tapatalk

