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could I get another set of eyes to look at this for me???

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  • could I get another set of eyes to look at this for me???

    I have posted a few questions about m-1t, 1-ad, etc and am getting ready to do a cutting cycle soon. Here are a few notes of intrest before you see what I have to ask - I am 27, 5' 11" +/- 275 pounds... about 20 -25 % body fat as of now and have had really good response to m-1t and 1-ad. I have used them twice before and now I know about the sides ( the ones they don't sell you on at "GNC") and PCT. I am about to go off and do a PCT for a while to test how that goes. I have purchased :

    lion nolva
    lion clenbuterol
    left over 6OXO from before ( not planning on using it)
    4-ad spray (to use with either 1-ad or m-1t)
    Creatine off ond on - as of now off.
    milk thistle
    Stacker 2 (for between clen uses)

    I AM NOT READY YET TO TAKE THE BIG "JUMP"! I seem to be growing well with these supps - and am not educated enough to get into AAS.
    Here is my problem - there is alot of somewhat conflicting info about how much, how long and even number of sprays of the nolva or clen - to do what you want it to do. How long should I cycle? how long off?? At what point should I begin PCT before either stopping or going into another cycle? Could I 2 weeks the M-1t/4ad then 2 weeks nolva as was suggested somewhere on this board? If so for how long?? My Clen - was suggested to be used during PCT for 2 weeks - cool - but for how long for the TOTAL CYCLE?? My diet is still being tweeked - but i seem to grow no matter how much I eat I just have trouble cutting - yet I don't want to loose what gains I have achieved from the short "test" cycle I am about to finish. If there is anything you suggest I add to this stack - I can try and get it. I plan on posting some pics - and log my progress. I thank you for your help. If you have anthing to add - feel free - or PM me.

  • #2
    Re: could I get another set of eyes to look at this for me???

    Originally posted by perryjd1
    Here is my problem - there is alot of somewhat conflicting info about how much, how long and even number of sprays of the nolva or clen - to do what you want it to do.
    Nolva from lion comes with an oral syringe. You can't spray it. The normal treatment is week 1-2 40mg/day (2mls) split into 2 doses in the AM & PM. Wek 3-4 20mg/day (1ml). You didn't mention how long you were on cycle.
    Originally posted by perryjd1
    How long should I cycle? how long off??
    Well, most people do a 4 week on 4 week off. It just depends on what you're cycling. Generally time on = time off.
    Originally posted by perryjd1
    At what point should I begin PCT before either stopping or going into another cycle? Could I 2 weeks the M-1t/4ad then 2 weeks nolva as was suggested somewhere on this board? If so for how long??
    PCT should start the same day as your last dose. Some wait untill the next day, but I'd rather overkill than risk any catabolism. For a short 2 week cycle the 2 week PCT is fine.
    Originally posted by perryjd1
    My Clen - was suggested to be used during PCT for 2 weeks - cool - but for how long for the TOTAL CYCLE??
    I haven't used clen, but the common cycles are 2-3 weeks. You want to pyramid dose. IOW, 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1. I wouldn't think using a cutting agent during PCT would be very wise though. I'd say wait untill after PCT.


    • #3
      cool thanks man - any further thoughts??
      The nolva I got did come with a sprayer though - white cap - push button - little hole? Is this a newer packaging? I will check -

      Should I train any differently? Or stay higher weight lower reps like I do now? How about calories?? should I continue with my current eating sched? ( about 5-6 smaller meals a day )

      my cycle was 3 weeks on m-1t/creatine/ last 2 weeks i added the 4-ad. Thanks again for helping me to clear this up!


      • #4
        Your training should be less intense and less volume. I go to a 4 day split during PCT to make good use of recovory time. I also keep my cals up just like I'm bulkling. 35P/45C/20F. You should always do the 5-6 meals/day plan, even when cutting.

