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6weeks till spring break

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  • 6weeks till spring break

    All right fellas...I screwed up and let time get away. I have 6 weeks untill spring break. I want to add some size but mainly cut up. I have done only 2 small cycles and am thinking of Sus@500mg's/wk and fina @ 80 mg's eod will this do, or should I add anything? I am5'10 around 205 and approx. 15% BF.

  • #2
    Please help me out fellas


    • #3
      Please give advice


      • #4
        You might want to look at winny if you want that leaned-out look.

        A keto diet until you leave would be a good idea, with cardio every morning on an empty stomach. For thermos, try clen/T3 weeks 1 and 2, then ECA weeks 3 and 4, and then clen/T3 weeks 5 and 6. A good amount of letrozole to avoid bloat as well if you're gonna run 500mg of Sus. Six weeks isn't much time, but this is the most extreme way to transform your physique in such a short time (safely).


        • #5
          Swap the sus for prop as you only have 6 weeks, then do what hitmansb said.


          • #6
            Remember After the AS, your diet and cardio is what it gonna get you cut.


            • #7
              Sorry about the delayed reply.. I didnt realize this was a question!

              I would run a tren/prop combo for 6 weeks. and just watch the diet... you should be able to put on a nice amount of lean mass in 6 weeks


              • #8
                Diet and Cardio/Diet and Cardio/Diet and Cardio/Diet and Cardio

                Clen and ECA will help too.

