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  • Clenbuterol?

    A bodybuilder friend recently suggested I take Clenbuterol to help gain muscle. He also said it would get me lean! He got me some Bulgarian Clen 0.02 mg tabs manufacturer NIHFI Ltd. and told me to take two a day...for six weeks, morning and afternoon.
    Researching on the net it seems to me that Clen is for fat reduction and not gaining...can anybody fill me in....share experience?:confused:

  • #2
    Do a little more research first. Use the search button at the top of this page and you'll find a lot of helpful info. There is a post that is below yours on the same subject. Do some research then if you have some questions please ask!


    • #3
      its not good to just take something someone gives u without knowing what it is, what it does, and how it can effect u (goods, and bads) do some research bro.


      • #4


        • #5
          Thanks for comments!
          I have done some research but unfortunately a lot of the information I've read on the net is contradictory. Clen is for cutting but after that the information about dosage and how often is conflicting. Some say the side effects are minimal and others that they're terrible. Some guys say the results are great and Clen is essential for anybody competing....others saw no results.
          Most of the stuff is written is essay form so it's very hard to know if this is based on experience or theory. If anybody with experience would like to steer me in the right direction I'd very much appreciate it....then I'd know for the future and have the experience to pass on.....after all isn't that one of the things this Board is about. Thanks guys!:confused:


          • #6
            Personally, I like clen a lot. It can be used to cut, but it can also be used to stay a little leaner while bulking (in low doses like the 2 tabs/day your friend recommended). Staying on for 6 weeks isn't a good idea though....I find clen works best when you follow a 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off regimen. One question I have though....what is your age?


            • #7
              Alas....I'm 49! :(


              • #8
                I like clen. It's about equal to ECA in it's fat burning abilities IMO. I like to alternate clen with eca (rotating every two weeks). Avg dose is between 100-200mcg (for guys anyways). Personally, I work up to 120-140mcg. Start off with 40mcg/d and increase it by 20mcg/d until you can't handle the sides, then back off a tab.


                • #9

                  I agree with 2 weekd on 2 off. I'm 52 and have trouble with clen and bp. Make sure your bp is OK. Clen also gives me some PVC's and fluttering. Love the stuff but hate it.

