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I would like to remind everyone how to make a good post.

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  • I would like to remind everyone how to make a good post.

    The subject line should give as much information as possible so that the person entering the thread knows what he is going to read.

    Here is a bad example of a subject heading-

    Subject= "IMPORTANT" or "Everyone must read" or "!!!!!" or "Test" or "Bad Inject"

    Here is an example of a good one=

    Subject= "I just did a shot and blood re-entered the needle, should I be worried and if so what are the signs I should look for"

    "I have such and such brand of testosterone-are there recent lab reports as to the quality of it"

    The subject should give the reader enough info to let the reader know whether he wants to read it. Giving one word subjects or incomplete sentences won't get everyones attention. Neither will just saying "important" because a lot of times everything is deemed important.

    The meat of the post should give details. If you are talking about gear give the brand, the mg/ml, lot numbers, expriation dates. If you are talking about cycles put it in a form that is easily read

    Such as

    weeks 1-10 400mg/week of Sydgroup Test cyp
    weeks 1-10 400mg/week of Sydgroup EQ
    weeks 1-4 30mg/day BD dbol
    .25 mg/day Liquidex throughout cycle

    If you are asking for suggestions on your cycle give your previous cycle history (this is VERY important) and how long ago your last cycle was. Include any medical conditions that people should know about (you don't have to get personal but if you want to use orals and you have liver disease or something then people would need to know that). With cycle history give some stats and measurments along with your goals as they can have a profound effect on suggestions for your cycle.

    Finally try to make your sentences and paragraphs normal. Try to keep typos and letter words (IMO) to a minimum as some people aren't computer worms and won't know them. Spelling is nice to (NJJUICER is excused from this one :D ). And one more thing DON"T WRITE IN CAPS LOCK IT IS FUCKING ANNOYING. lol

    Thanks for you time. Now I have to check my post over for typos. ;)
    Last edited by Stonecold54; 02-18-04, 05:47 PM.

  • #2
    one word "sweet"


    • #3
      2 words "right on"


      • #4
        Nice, very nice!


        • #5
          ^ :D


          • #6
            Yup! :agree:


            • #7
              This should be what we like to call a STICKY:3some:


              • #8
                i still don't understand :D


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GearTripper
                  i still don't understand :D
                  :madfu: go shoot some T400 up you butt. LOL



                  • #10
                    one more bump and then I will let this rest till the next month. :D



                    • #11
                      bump way up ! great post :D


                      • #12
                        Bump for march!!!!! :D


                        • #13
                          bump for april-:D

