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My cutting cycle, how much clen?

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  • My cutting cycle, how much clen?

    Im gonna start a cutter tomorrow. I was thinking of doing 525 mls of prop a week for 12 weeks. The last 6 weeks Im gonna do 50mg of oral winny a day. I wanted to add clen to the mix as well doing 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off with eca. How much clen should I do as this is my first experience with clen. Thanks for any imput.

  • #2
    start at 40 or 50mcgs for a couple days move up to 60 or 75mcgs a few more then hit 80 or 100mcgs. if you want take it up to 100 or 125mcgs. all depends on what kind you're doing. drink plenty of water.


    • #3
      I usually start with 50mcg per day, and work up to 75 then 100mcg, all over a 2 week period. Then I take 2 weeks off the clen and go with another fat burner


      • #4
        I usually train at about 3 in the afternoon. Do I take the clen before my workout or when I wake up in the morning? How long does it last in the system?


        • #5
          you could spread it out the day, before 3 and it shouldn't affect sleep. i take it all at once, 125mcgs when i first wake up. i guess it's up to you once you've built up a tolerance to it.


          • #6
            I think that first-timers should start clen really gradually. This is what I recommend:

            Here's how I'd do it if I were a first-time user: Cycle clen and ECA in two week on, two week off format. Each time you do a new two-week cycle of're gonna up the dose as long as your body can handle it:

            Cycle 1
            week1: 20mcg am, 20mcg mid-afternoon
            week2: 30 mcg am, 20 mcg mid-afternoon

            Cycle 2
            week1: 30mcg am, 20mcg mid-afternoon
            week2: 40mcg am, 20mcg mid-afternoon

            Cycle 3
            week1: 40mcg am, 30mcg mid-afternoon
            week2: 50mcg am, 30mcg mid-afternoon

            That should be plenty of clen for a first-timer to start with. You can follow the pattern and increase the doses further in a similar pattern IF your body is able to deal with it.


            • #7
              when I run clen I go up to 250mcg ed .. I'm not sure if it's just my individual tolerance or what but until i'm at the 100mcg + i dont even feel the stuff


              • #8
                maybe, i hit 125 and really don't feel it. my first time i went up to that in 4 days and nothing. no headaches, shaking, nothing.


                • #9
                  I also ran oxyfluxs .... *cough* suxs


                  • #10
                    I have the late great L.R. clen @ 125mcg per ml. Ok I will try twice a day for 2 weeks on 2 weeks off with 2 weeks of eca in between.

