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How does PCT look?

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  • How does PCT look?

    well the cycle is quite long(20wks) and allaborate but Im stopping TE, EQ and tren about 4wks before PCT. During the last 4wks Im using Prop and winny, so I'll be able to jump right into PCT.

    My thought was:

    500iu ED last 2 weeks of cycle

    Clomid 300mg day1, 200mg 2-12, 50mg 12-30

    Nolva 40mg ED last 2 weeks of cycle into PCT, with taper down

    Arim .25 ED wk1 PCT, .25 EOD wk2

    Femera .25 EOD wk3

    Proviron 50mg wk1-3 25mg wk4-5

    Clen 40mcg ED wk1-3

    slin 3iu P/W wk1-3

    what do you guys think? what changes?


  • #2
    Honestly, I think the HCG, followed by the Clomid and Nolva are plenty.

    I'd drop the other stuff.


    • #3
      christ your PCT is more expensive than some peoples cycle. I agree with GS I would just use HCG and novadlex (I don't like the clomid blues). I would use the proviron as well though.


      • #4
        Can sombody critique my PCT.

        3 days After my last shot of prop/winny.....

        Days 1-20 - 500 iu HCG
        - 20 mg Tamoxifen citrtate right through
        Day 21 - 300 mg clomid
        Days 22-35 - 100 mg clomid
        Days 36-49 - 50 mg clomid

        Should I use clen in the mix and how much? Please make adjustments where necessary. Thanx bros.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GATOR
          Can sombody critique my PCT.

          3 days After my last shot of prop/winny.....

          Days 1-20 - 500 iu HCG
          - 20 mg Tamoxifen citrtate right through
          Day 21 - 300 mg clomid
          Days 22-35 - 100 mg clomid
          Days 36-49 - 50 mg clomid

          Should I use clen in the mix and how much? Please make adjustments where necessary. Thanx bros.
          from my experience I would just shoot 1000 ius for 4 or 5 days instead of 20 days at a lower dose. Novaldex is fine. I don't use clomid but if I were to use it I would use it at the same time as the novaldex and I would actually start my HCG about a week before PCT. you want your boys back to size before you restart them


          • #6
            gator it looks pretty good, but i too would probably use the hcg at a higher dose for less days

