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Prop and powerlifting

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  • Prop and powerlifting

    I thought I might ask and get some opinions... I have a powerlifting meet in a couple of weeks. When would be the best time to add prop to get that boost and would it be an everyday or every other day thing?

  • #2
    I would do it every other day and throw in some stenox too. You'll get stronger and put on size whixh will give you added weight. all AS will put some size on you in some way shape or form. I used to PL back in the day in the 165lb class and I did stenox and sten or stenox and prop about 6 to 8 weeks out, it did me good. I kept my weight in check by some cardio and definite calorie counting!!!! Good luck at the meet and tell us how you did!!!!!!!! :D



    • #3
      Cardio with powerlifting? That's a sin isn't it? LOL!

      I've used stenox my last three meets with great results. I thought this time I would try something different. I haven't used prop in years and figured I would give it another try. I've just heard conflicting ways of going about it though.

      Thanks for the input!


      • #4
        Naaaa The cardio was walking from the fidge to the couch a few times a day, lol I would do some walking a few times a week just to keep a good oxygen flow through out the body. Besides its good to get out for under the power rack every now and then. I haven't power lifted in a few years. I would like to do a meet but I got gear that won't fit and I have to lose a few lbs (10 to 15) to be where I need to be.

        Good luck


