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Trevor Smith passes away after arnold classic.

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  • Trevor Smith passes away after arnold classic.

    The man that owned and was famous for his beyond failure training died on march 6th. He was 400lbs and cutting down closer to 300lbs.

    The following is from :

    Coming back from the 2004 Arnold Classic, I received an email from a friend which basically said tht Trevor passed away over the weekend. That was it. With rumors flying all around, especially after a wild and crazy Arnold Classic Weekend, anything goes. But this email was from a reliable source, and upon calling, discovered that it was true. Hearing that Trevor Smith passed away is just another blow, because the guy was quite nice, and was going through tough times after Nancy and him had their difference late last year. Trevor was a big guy, close to 400 pounds, but always attentive and kind, and always called me by my first name. Last I heard, he was slimming down, close to 300 pounds, and getting back to the person he was. I heard that he was young, 33 or so? Here is an email that Trevor sent me not three weeks ago before the Arnold Classic.
    "Thanks Ron..... Things have been very rough.....but the worst is over.....but I still have a lot of stressing things to now get taken care of. Without going into specifics... I would not wish what I went through on my worst enemy... and people can speculate and sterotype and say whatever they like to say to make themselves feel better.... but my situation was rather unique and certainly nowhere near the norm in terms of what people would think.

    I am starting to get "Trevor" back...if you understand what I now I can move forward in areas that had to be put on hold due to the hell I was going through...... For products, advanced formulations..... I can now finish the editing process on my training video that I ran in rough form at the 2003 Mr. O..... AND the new website....

    Unfortunetly, and I cannot go into specifics.....things HAD to be put on hold. But, it means a lot to me that you would take the time to be nice and supportivel. It means more than you know.....

    Look forward to seeing you at the next tradeshow we are both at.....although I know you are a busy man with that camera...LOL. All the best to you and your wife And again...Thank you for your kindness.

    Sincerely, Trevor"

    Always stunning when you hear news like that out of the blue. Always tough. May you rest in peace, Trevor, and know that people did care about you.

    As more information comes, I will put it up.


    This is from Jen Cook, a good friend of Trevor Smith.


    If it wasn’t for Trevor, I would not have realized that I lost faith in myself and that I had steered away from making my dreams come true because I lost touch with the most powerful motivator, my inner spirit. The majority of the conversations that I had with Trevor were not of bodybuilding, training, or dieting, they were of perusing dreams, believing in oneself, and understanding the “inner” spirit. Yet, he never failed to complete our discussions by urging me to have faith, passion, a strategy, and support to fulfill and accomplish my dreams. These conversations made me recognize how much I had shut out my spirit in the past few years, and because of these few spiritless years, I had completely lost focus in what I want to do with my life.

    I am one of the very few that had the time with Trevor to see him outside the bodybuilding world. I actually got to know the inner Trevor that many people could not really understand unless you knew him well: he was an avid believer about using the spirit from within, which we named “It”, to give oneself the strength, confidence, and faith to overcome the obstacles to get to where you want to be. He was a fighter by nature (he was a highly ranked martial artist), a challenger by heart, and most importantly, a devoted believer in achieving dreams by spirit and personal faith. Aside from his enormous build, he was a man of few words and relied on his actions to speak for the rest of the time.

    I have utmost respect for Trevor’s spirit because he never let his spirit wither and he never gave up on his dreams…

    If it wasn’t for Trevor, I would have never done the things that I am doing right now: making my dreams come true by letting my inner spirit be my inspiration.
    Attached Files

  • #2


    • #3
      Big bump for trev


      • #4
        it is always rough when a good one goes on the better in peace

