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Decca and Tren a no no?

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  • Decca and Tren a no no?

    Is this so? I am in the tail end of a cycle that includes decca at 600mg a week. I just came across 25mg of homebrew tren i started it last night. Gonna run 100mg eod till its gone. The decca portion of my cycle ends in about a month. am gonna have a problem?

  • #2
    deca and tren togethor is way too harsh. too many sides. you'll almost certainly be shut down, mean as a badger, crampy as hell, not to mention rough on your liver and kidneys at the seame time.

    tren dick and deca dick are very common occurances, put them togethor = trouble.


    • #3
      You'll be limper than a wet dish rag without a hefty dose of test alongside that combo.


      • #4
        Thanks fellas. I always run test. Right now I am on 800wk cyp.


        • #5
          uh oh !!! I'm running deca/tren together also w/750mg test next cycle?


          • #6
            To add to the rest of the comments......progestrone becomes a factor as well as baldness.


            • #7
              That is why you add the mircale of proviron into the mix, tren and deca is a very good combo. Not everyone is suppcetable to the dreaded limp dick syndrome


              • #8
                I have provirion on hand, should I add them?


                • #9
                  provirion is my fav anti e.
                  I ran tren and deca togather for 6 weeks (last half of the cycle, first ran Dbol)and never got shut down. In fact until this week I have never been shut down and it was a F*&kup prohormone that did it. never a problem with ether fina or deca


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by IAMHUGE
                    I have provirion on hand, should I add them?
                    I usually try and add it too most cycles, but use it rotations, 8 weeks on 6 off...its a fertility drug above all, dont wanna over kill

                    50mgs ed, is a standard dose, once it gets going in the system, its better than viagra


                    • #11
                      thanks doom


                      • #12
                        i think most are to quick to say this or that compound will give you a limp one. has never been true in my experience besides what's all the fuss about getting it up. if it does effect you that way what's 8-10wks without gettin ass. it ain't goin no where. looking great is far more important. easy for me to say since i have never had a problem


                        • #13
                          I'm on tren and deca right now and I have a hard on every five minutes. Of course I am running test with it. By the way deca is only at 300mg/week, tren is at 75 EOD.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by on_a_mission
                            I'm on tren and deca right now and I have a hard on every five minutes. Of course I am running test with it. By the way deca is only at 300mg/week, tren is at 75 EOD.
                            I'm almost same cycle. Except my cycle is going to be very long, like over 20 weeks. So instead of running the deca and tren together, i started out with the deca(300mg/week) and will run it 12 weeks w/ sust and drol(5 weeks) then start the fina around week 16 along with some prop. OH and some GH shortly.


                            • #15

