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newb question, help plz

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  • newb question, help plz

    im 20 yrs old been liftin for bout 5 months 5 days a week. im 5'9
    215lbs, and probly alot of body fat. wondering what options i have other than injections? ive done alot of reasearch but id prefer taking advice from people who've experienced what theyre talking about. for the past 5 months ive been just str8 natural lifting , and ive got barely any diff on body, but have got hell of alot stronger. i wanted more body change.

  • #2
    I strongly advise that you do not delve into steroids yet. You haven't been lifting long enough to reach anywhere near your natural potential, nor have you conditioned your body to a level where it will be able to handle a sudden increase in strength without being injured. Besides, people who have high bodyfat and run a cycle usually end up looking fatter ( especially true in the case of someone that's 5'9").

    The best thing you can do to see body change involves diet and cardio. This involves lowering your overall caloric intake and drastically reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates you injest. Cardio should be done 5X/week. Start just doing need for thermos until later, as you'll find the first 5 or 10 lbs. are easy to lose. Save the thermos for when you're trying to lose the last couple of pounds.


    • #3
      your 20 and only been lifting for five months then i recomend you lift for 3-5 more years before you really consider using aas. you're barely starting up a base for the gear to work off of. you say you've barely lost any bf then you need to get your diet and cardio in check. all the drugs in the world aren't gonna help if your diet isn't there. your body hasn't even started to make the gains it's capable of with only 5 months of training. work hard, eat right, get rest, do cardio, and don't look for quick solutions for your body change. the change will come in time.


      • #4
        thanks guys , makes alot of sense. but i heard if ido cardio 5x a week i will lose my muscle, that ishould just do cycles, like a bulking cycle and then a cutting cycle, do u think this would be true for my sitation


        • #5
          Cardo does not make you lose muscle. Usually, you don't want to do cardio after working out because your body is in a catabolic state. You need to eat immediately after working out.

          To burn fat, you want to do longer periods of moderate cardio within that heart rate range. Usually 30 - 45 minutes at 65% - 70% max heart rate.

          The body pulls from fat stores, not muscle. You don't have a whole lot to worry about.



          • #6
            You haven't seen much gains for probably three reasons. First, your nervous system is just learning and adjusting to this new thing you're doing. The muscle usually follows the strength gains induced through early training and neural adjustment. Second, check your diet. I am sure it's too high in fat and simple carbs and deficient in quality protein. Do some research on this. Third, check your training. Just going to the gym often is not going to do it for you. Look around the gym? 90% of those people will look the same next year. Train as hard as you can stand, but less than you think you need. Stick to the basic movements, skip most machines in favour of free weights and keep learning.

            My friend, to be hardcore is to know training, nutrition, diet, supplementation and later, aas. Good luck


            • #7
              i do good lifts, i work out daily with someone who has been training for 2 years, i do mostly all weights , barely any machines, u r right on high on fat, i eat out alot , and until past 2 weeks began protein shakes and hi protein food.

