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steroids and prohormones

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  • steroids and prohormones

    i was wondering if anyone knew anything about stacking EQ and prohormones like 17 aMethyl-5a-Androstanediol to use for cutting. i plan on taking an anti-estrogent at the same time as the stack to avoid side effects, but i haven't heard anything about mixing the two. should i be worried about the stack?

  • #2
    actually can't help but if you're taking eq already then why don't you just use test along with it. it'll work better than any prohormone.


    • #3
      i thought about stacking with another testosterone like test or sustanon, or even an oral, but, this is my first cycle and i am trying to be cautious of how my body reacts because i have a family history of week hearts, and i didn't want to surprise my body. plus, i really am not trying to get huge at the present, but more trying to cut. so you don't think that any prohormone will hurt?


      • #4
        do you have any heart conditions yourself? i've never heard of test being bad for your heart but i could be wrong. if it were i'd imagine eq would be just as bad. personally i'd use test as opposed to eq or even a ph at a dose of around 500mgs a week for 10 in your case, since your body already produces test naturally just a much lower amount. again i'm not sure though.


        • #5
          The bad part for you running any gear is going to be the sides, high cholesterol (sucks big time and I have it) and high blood pressure. Not only am I diabetic but I too have a family history or heart and strokes. (Mothers side only, my fathers side has had 5 centurions until recently)

          First I would get a checkup from your doc and a EKG. Then I would stick with the real gear. For one you know what the sides will be and what it does to your body. Prohormones just don't have that type of info available yet. Test and EQ are considered to be some of the safest gear available and are mild on the sides. I don't mind EQ on it’s own (it doesn't shut me down but nether does fina) and has little or no real sides but then again it doesn't do much ether. Test however complements it well (or the other way around). There are more side with test however so you need to way the benefits vs. the drawbacks yourself.

          For the blood pressure you can take aspirin 81mg twice a day can help or see you doctor.

          For info on lowering your cholesterol (while on cycle) go here:

          Above all remember the saying about free advice.


          • #6
            i think the bros are leading you inthe right direction here, definitely get yourself into a doc and have a check up... you can even tell them you felt a little pain near the heart but tihnk it was just gas, they will run the regular heart check up then...

            what type of heart problems does the family have ? mitro valve prolapse? ayrthmeia ? extra heart beat ? if you can please be more specific... I had a pretty bad MVP and post cycle it actuyally is smaller now, heart is pumping better... I also had an arythmia which I had corrected with surgery.
            the thing you have to do is listen to you body... are you working out regularly now ? cardios ? a simple bowl of cheerios in the morning can help lower cholosterol.. but you should feinitely get checked out.

            As far as your question... depending on your age, I would DEFINITELY hit a low dose of test, I didnt my first time around and wish I wouldve... but at least I get to see what my body will do on sus for the first time this time around :D good luck


            • #7
              my dad had a heart attack when he was 48, he is alright now though. i myself have always been of good health, never had any problems. on my moms side, her father has had a stroke or two, and he is still doing fine. my only problem now with anything is that i cant get ahold of test, my source has had to stop for the moment, and i am seven weeks into my eq cycle, and plan on staying on it for 13 more weeks. i have taken mag-10 before, and i didn't really experience any side effect, although i also didn't post cycle it at all. now i am rambling, but that is some more background on me.

