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major clen hang up!

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  • major clen hang up!

    newbie alert - k heres the deal - been on clen did both type of cycles ; 2 weeks on 1 week off and the 2 days off and 1 days off. when i first used it, got unbelieveable results using the spiropent then when i went off, i gained 10lbs and haven't been able to shed. so i tried vent. and still haven't been able to shed the poundage - what the hell has happened. i am a 5'6 female now weighing in at 150 (but my body fat is still at 15.8% - go figure) anybody know what i can do to shed? the scale is creeping and now so is my body fat %? My diet has been constant???? :eek:

  • #2
    What's your diet/cardio look like?


    • #3
      Diet - I eat 4-6 times/day - I don't cut out carbs but do watch intake. Funny thing though is that my cravings have escalated when I go off. I have been off for 2 1/2 weeks and I am starting up a new cycle
      Cardio - Paddle 1/week(1hour), spin 1/week(2hours), step class 1 hour 3x week


      • #4
        How many calories per meal? What's the breakdown (%carbs/%fat/%protein) for each meal? What kinds of food are you eating?

        Your cravings should escalate when you're not on clen - which can act as an appetitie suppressant.


        • #5
          Gamma, if you could list the exact foods and drinks that you're consuming we should be able to help tweak your diet for ya. Also, what doseages of clen are you using? Are you gradually upping it over the first few days reaching a max doseage and then continuing steady for 2 weeks? Also, make sure you're drinking your water, 1 1/2 gal/day will really help.

          Keep in mind that sometimes using the scale isn't the most accurate judge because if you're putting on muscle, your weight won't necessarilly go down, but you'll notice differences in your clothes.

          Clen works great for some people and is just a little help to others. I remember once my husband had started a clen cycle and threw out his back. He laid in bed for a week and stayed on the clen and lost about 10 lbs of fat! Clen helps me but not nearly as well as it works on him. I've heard some women complain that it does nothing to help them loose fat too. Everyone's different.


          • #6
            You might want to add some pharmaceutical grade yohimbine to that stimulates fat loss quite nicely, and can be of special significance to women since it seems to hit 'estrogenic fat'.


            • #7
              hitman 's got and though in better Clen the rocket fuel from Lion you will never hear anything but it's strong as hell ..taste's great too ...less filling ....taste's great ...less filling ......just kidding but it the best thing on the market


              • #8
                Bump for Lion Nutrition - great products / fast service.


                • #9
                  k - normal diet -breakfast - 4 egg whites with salsa, 1 cup of fibre with skim 1 cup of coffee
                  snack - protein bar or protein drink
                  lunch - chix soup or 1/2 can of tuna with pita bread
                  snack - banana, yogourt
                  dinner - normally a chicken type meal - with al serving of pasta or veggies
                  TONS OF WATER
                  Do I need to stay away from carbs compleately? I get too weak when I paddle or run?
                  honestly though - im not always a clean eater - i do cheat! but not necessarily bad cheat - once a week I will have that chocolate or cookie that yells for me!
                  the carb cravings happen when i am off the cycle not on. When I am off the cycle I do the ECA mix. I only put my cardio workout down- but I do work out every day - once/week with a personal trainer (all core strength)
                  right now i am on novagem 3rd day taking 4 tabs @20mg. Is it possible that my body has gotten use to the product and its not so much of a shock to it? I found that the weight gain happened with the ventipulmin (2 pumps/day)
                  I do admit that I am a slave to the scale but the clothes are fitting snug too - this has been a major set back in my goals!!!!!


                  • #10
                    load on carbs in the morning... and dont take carbs after about 5-6pm .. it could be that your body is getting used to the work out... you could try switching it up a bit ..
                    also ..remember muscle is heavier..dont get discouraged..

                    p.s. any thyroid problems? on any medications?


                    • #11
                      thanks _inkslinger - actually - my doctor has ordered me a thyroid test.

                      i honestly think i need to completely clean my diet to the strictest if i want to see results - trust me - i am very discouraged but iam going to start over and concentrate on the diet as I know my workouts are pretty heavy


                      • #12
                        Definately cut out that pasta with dinner, unless you do your workout and cardio after dinner (and even then, a medium-sized serving at most).


                        • #13
                          newbie question - again - what is yohimbe and what are the effects?


                          • #14
                            Did you mention your dosage? I didn't see it in the thread. How do you ramp? All in the a.m. or small amounts throughout the day? On your week off do you take any type of meto enhancer like an ECA stack or something. Damn government!!!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              See this thread - it has most of my thoughts on diet/supplements.



