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Big differance between 300mg and 400mg of deca/week??

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  • Big differance between 300mg and 400mg of deca/week??

    My bud wants to start his cycle next month but isnt sure wheather to run 300mg or 400mg of deca with 500mg test/week for 10weeks this will be his 2nd cycle 1st was 250mg of sust/week and 300mg of deca/week for 10 weeks stats 5'8 there really that much differance in terms of muscle gains between 300 and 400mg/week of deca its only 100mg differance cant make that much of an impoact can it???? what dosage of deca do you think he should run along with 500mg of ethanate 300 or 400/week of deca????

  • #2
    Originally posted by INTIMID8OR3
    If he's running 500mg of test i'd run 300mg of deca instead of 400 ;)
    yep with deca you should try to keep it at half the test mgs. im not sure that sounds right here 2-1 test-deca thats better!

