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its cutting time!

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  • its cutting time!

    Well its time to cut so i'm changing my cycle and it will look something like the following
    week 1-8
    test E 750mg/week
    eq 500mg/week
    week 1-6
    I have some fiew var left so i might put that in at the very end, like the last 3 weeks
    after that i might switch up to test prop and eq acetate and run that for another 3 weeks with the clen

    stats are 278lbs 6'2 bf% around 15 no more then 17
    i have 1 week left of my current cycle of test/eq/drol and will just jump right into cutting phase. So it would be a total of 22-24 weeker cycle of bulk and cut. I'm extremelly happy at where I am right now so cutting will be a bit hard with all the food i've been taking :D no more pasta, no more DQ's and wendie's :(
    Diet will be simple
    lean meat and rice with flax
    eggs and oatmeal
    shakes(not to much)
    i will stick with solid food on non training days and on training days i'll have 2 shakes pre/post workout
    the rest will be solid food
    goals will be to go down about 20-25lbs lets just hope i get to it:)

  • #2
    Damn that is one long cycle. I like to recover then cut, but to each his own. Your planed cycle looks pretty good. I'd def throw the var in at the end. Good luck with it bro.


    • #3
      Originally posted by candle25
      Damn that is one long cycle. I like to recover then cut, but to each his own. Your planed cycle looks pretty good. I'd def throw the var in at the end. Good luck with it bro.
      Well the var would be just for added bonus and i dont want it to waste so :)
      the eq kicked in at about week 7-8 and veins on my chest on week 10 and up. its amazing! so i'm figuring that by the time i'm done, ill be a walking vein ready to explode :rofl:


      • #4
        You're huge, if you cut down to 10% or so, it'd be freaky for sure


        • #5
          Damn 278 at 6'2. Thats crazy big im 6'2 at 210 :( hopefully after the cycle i'm on i'll be up around 230.
          DUDE how much weight did you gain from this 20 some week cycle that your on???????????????


          • #6
            Originally posted by alcast082
            Damn 278 at 6'2. Thats crazy big im 6'2 at 210 :( hopefully after the cycle i'm on i'll be up around 230.
            DUDE how much weight did you gain from this 20 some week cycle that your on???????????????
            started at 258lbs


            • #7
              Well since its the last week that i can eat anything, ill make the best of it :D planning on doing a BBQ on saturday at "LARGE" house, ill bring my familly, since he is supplying all the food, mine as well take adventage :D
              I'll be eating hot dogs, chicken with burgers mmm and i might stop at DQ's one last time :( I'll miss you DQ


              • #8
                well it seems like you thought this one out! i like that you know what you want. good luck..


                • #9
                  BBQQQQQQQQQ hummmmmmmmmm

                  yup the fucker is huge im 210 and look like a real skiny anorexic basterd beside him!!! its discuraging some times but...... not everyone can be that big....... Cant wait for Sat budy chicken hummmmmm


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by large
                    BBQQQQQQQQQ hummmmmmmmmm

                    yup the fucker is huge im 210 and look like a real skiny anorexic basterd beside him!!! its discuraging some times but...... not everyone can be that big....... Cant wait for Sat budy chicken hummmmmm
                    I better bring my weelchair just incase this get out of hands:rofl:
                    Oh and ill bring a couple boxes of chicken to make for my week so it will be already cooked. mmmm bake potato with sour cream and onions:drool:


                    • #11
                      now im really getting hungry!! cant work!! must eat now!! chicken, dogs, burgers...... patato..... :agree: :D


                      • #12
                        Looks good to me...I'm 275, 6'1' with 10% bf approx. I like your cycle...keep it up


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mr. Shoulders
                          Looks good to me...I'm 275, 6'1' with 10% bf approx. I like your cycle...keep it up
                          WOW you just put me to shame :( now i need to get to 330lbs and then cut to 310lbs ripped lol j/k i think i'm good at around 255lbs cut but we will see, the sky is the limit:drunk:


                          • #14
                            that is fuckin big. i am 5'7 210. i cannot imagine being that big. can you were cloths anymore. :D


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pierced one
                              that is fuckin big. i am 5'7 210. i cannot imagine being that big. can you were cloths anymore. :D
                              It has his disadventage! i cant wash my back anymore so the wife needs to scrub it :) i cant scratch the back of my neck, arms are to pumped. Have to wear a size 36-38 in pant becouse my quads are too big. cant sleep on my side, if i do, i get numb in like 15 min and my weight crush's my lungs so it makes it hard to breath. but i like it :D

