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How's this cycle for lean mass??

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  • How's this cycle for lean mass??

    stats 5'8 180lb 4th cycle i want to gain some good quality muscle 15-20lb i hope without the water retantion so i will stay away form deca/d-bol and since winny makes my hair thin wont use it either, what would be an ideal lean mass cycle???? here's what i was thinking
    weeks-14 eq 400mg/week
    weeks 1-15 ehtanate 500mg/week
    weeks 1-7 fina 75 mg e/o/d
    what do you guys think 15-20 lb possible??? thks Luke

  • #2
    sure its possible, what was your last cycle and how long ago was it?


    • #3
      If your really sensitive to boating you can ether run nolvadex aroud 20mg eod or ldex .25 ed. But as INTIMID8OR was sugesting that it is the diet componet of you cycle that will make the most differnce.

      BTW if winny cause hair loss watch the fina closely. you might want to run it at the end of your cycle anyway. I would run the test to week 16 (EQ take forever to clear) and run the fina from week 10 to 17 (if you want to run it for 7 weeks). If you want to jump start the cycle then I'd use an oral JMO

