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Should I be worried???

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  • Should I be worried???

    I am on cycle right now, and stay on for extended periods of time. I have been on since mid Jan. and am planning a few month break starting in Sept. I have had a few Dr. appopinments latley, and my blood pressure has been really high. Today it was 160/100.
    Is this normal while on AAS, will I be ok? I feel fine, and am in the best shape of my life. However, I am somewhat concerned when the Doc tells me it's too high.

    My current cycle is:

    Test enathate 500mg wk
    Tren 100mg eod
    EQ 600mg wk

    Will be adding winstrol on 6/1 @ 50mg ed for 60 days

    Comming off on 9/1 for 4 months

    Thanks guys.

  • #2
    Mine was a little high too. couple of things to do that are easy. One, check your diet. easy. two add nolvadex to your cycle around 20mg eod. will also help with the lipids. 3 go to wally world and get a bottle of equate adult low strength aspirin delayed release. 81mg per tab. take 1 to 2 tabs twice a day as need for you blood pressure.

    try the above and recheck your blood pressure. If that doesn't help I would get a perscription for it. that is pretty high.

    BTW, My last BP was 128 over 80 something. This was down from 150 something and 105 (I think).
    Last edited by Skyefire; 05-04-04, 09:15 PM.


    • #3
      Get your b/p down then cycle ... "GET your priorities straightened out "
      I second that!


      • #4
        definetaly get the blood pressure under control!! I take diltiazem for my blood pressure , and when on it stays at 120/70. When not taking it, blood pressure goes up to 130/90+, whch is high for me and causes headaches, lethargy. aas absolutely can cause high blood pressure. Hypertension is called "the silent killer" for a reason.
        good luck!!


        • #5
          when you had the pressure test, were you on any orals? i'm only asking 'cause i know you were mega-dosing the dbol there for a while.


          • #6
            Originally posted by INTIMID8OR
            Yes, having high blood pressure is very serious and shouldn't be overlooked ...Get your b/p down then cycle ... "GET your priorities straightened out " ;)


            • #7
              nope test was today. Only on test and tren, just started the eq last week. High BP runs in my family, my dad has been on meds for his bp since he was 30. Talked to him tonight, and he is getting me in with his doc. My dad knows I juice, and wants to blame that for all my problems. However he is on TRT and wants to get on groth too, so he should talk.

              I am gonna get everything checked out. I'll keep y'all posted.


