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convert deca w/ a gpz kit?

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  • convert deca w/ a gpz kit?

    I am wondering if one would be able to convert deca powder w/ a gpz kit? It came with prefiltered oil and an unamed solvent. Is this ba and bb mixed? since the oil is prefiltered can i just filter the melted powder and solvent then purge the filter with a syringe full of warm oil? Or am I better off just sticking with the origonal recipe, but I dont know what solvent is in the kit. I would hate to ruin 10 grams so any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    It should work fine. Deca is soluble in oil so as long as the solvent has some BA your fine.

    I don't recomend kits though. for one thing it is prob a 100mg per ml kit and that is a waste with deca. here what I would do for 40ml at 250mg/ml (you can go up to 500mg/ml with this, just incresse the solvents to 5 and 15)

    10grams nand deca
    1.2ml BA (3%)
    4.8ml BB (12%)
    about 25ml of oil of your choice

    add solvent and gear and swirl around until desolved. use heat if your in a hurry. add 20ml of oil and filter though a .2 filter, flush filter with reamining oil until you reach volume.


    • #3
      so you think my mystery solvent is ba? Now it would seem if i used all my solvent and oil and added the powder I would have a 50 ml at 200mg right? 10 grams powder in a 50 ml vial.


      • #4
        I suppose i should see exactly how much solvent there is to use first off. I am a newb obviously so I really appreciate the help. I bought kits because I thought it would be easier but I am definately gonna buy oil and ba and bb next time.


        • #5
          this fucking blows. apparently I have 100 ml bottles . This would of been nice to know. I thought they were 50s. I now have a shitload of deca and test cyp at 100mg per ml and could of only bought one kit to make all 10 grams test and ten grams deca. Well theres hundreds down the fuckin drain. I dont think its worth gettin stuck for a 100mg per ml at that rate ill have to take at least 2 ml per shot for each. I bet I have double solvent i need as well. I am so pissed right now. I cannot beleive I fucked it all up.


          • #6
            Can you get more powder? if you can we can fix that for you so you have 200 or 250mg/ml


            • #7
              Out of cash. Looks like ill have to learn my lesson from this one. I am gonna run this with a friend of mine. Just gonna have to take it in more shots a week I guess. I am gonna run it at 400mg each a week so thats 8 ml worth. My buddy is gonna run it at 200 mg each. I took 2ml each 2 days ago and 2 ml each today not much pain in injection sites except my arm hurts like i got socked in it, buts its not too bad. I went 1 upper arm 1 outer thigh and 2 buttocks shots. no blood. Hope im makin it in the muscle. Its tough to tell while relaxing. 1.5 needle so I know its gotta be makin it.


              • #8
                That sucks bro, there are lessons to be learned here but don't be hard on yourself. Mistakes like this are buy far the most common, simple things that you don't catch at first. Yet another reason I don't like kits. Trust me here, I have fuckedup plenty of times.


                • #9
                  Really new at this so I have some VERY basic questions for you. Would love any help I could get. (1) Are a ml and a cc the same thing? (2) What is a BA and a BB? (3) The water used to mix up a brew is it a special kind of water? (4) What is a sterile filter? Probably to many questions here. Any input would be appreciated. thanks larrry

