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drainage damnit

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  • drainage damnit

    Ive been done with a cycle for about 10 days now 15 weeks of prop 700mg-1000mg and tren(11) and the last 4 of d-bol and prop, no gyno just a lil itchyness had nolva and clomid went away feel finestarted pct already hcg clomid nolva mix as usual...

    so here's what happened got hit in the chest playing catch and had a little soreness in my pec area, it was a lil bruised and well no big deal, later that night I was feeling around my pecs a lil and sqeezed them a lil hard to massage the bruise, (its like givin ureself a pressure point massage) anyways I had fluid come from my nipple not blood but like clearish white crap no smell or anything like that oily feeling though, I did do pec injects and wonder if this is from them or did I just run too much test through my cycle???


  • #2
    I would seriously get that checked, Dude! That is not normal.



    • #3
      i've read a lot about it and it seems like prolactin gyno caused from tren, only I had no soreness or puffness no lumps or anything, I wouldnt have known about it if I had had massaged my chest



      • #4
        if any liquid starts coming out of my nipples, i'm heading down to the doctor pronto!


        • #5
          Regardless if it is gyno or not, you should NOT have liquid coming out of your nipples. That is usually related to male breast cancer.


          • #6
            liquid coming out of the nips is progesterone induced gyno, ur for lack of a better word, lactating

            bromocriptine can help with this, keep hitting the novla that will help surpress it some, but I belive that it has set in, the gyno I mean, and the next cycle of any type will set it off again, I would be very careful in the near future


            • #7
              ive read that femera helps since it blocks estrogen and that is one of the 4 compounds needed for prolactin to be produced??? is this right?
              maybe the lion has some info on this



              • #8
                Your nipple is my friend have full-blown gyno!
                I'm not a regular on the boards but when I saw your worries, I had to comment. I've had gyno surgery twice now. The first was bilateral, the second was the left side only because the plastic surgeon didn't get it all the first time...and yes, it can grow back...even if they remove most of the glandular tissue. They can't remove all the tissue or else your nipple will concave leaving you with an unsightly dimpled apperance. They need to leave some tissue to support the nipple to avoid this problem. They cut out a lot of tissue in my case. Worst the Doc had seen. I was also a big risk for developing hematomas so had plastic tubes attached to vacules to drain the "caves" in my pecs. Painting a lovely picture I hope...

                My nipples drained a clearish/white fluid as well. This is not normal for men and as Doom eliquently stated...your lactating, moooooo.
                Too much aromitization took place during your last cycle(s) and it really doesn't matter if it was estrogen or progestrone induced as the damage has now been done. Your nipple(s) are now highly sensitised and have developed lactiferous ducts to support lactation. You can use a combo of bromo and nolva but thats not going to solve your problem. Because your breast tissue is now highly sensitised, the next time you go back on, it will come on that much quicker, even with anti aromatase inhibitors/blockers.
                I've lived it so I know.
                Go see your doctor and get it checked out. Stay off the androgens! Worst thing you could do is blow it off because it WILL get worse.


                • #9
                  but i dont have any lumps or anything no itching nothing like that, i always use nolva from wk 6 on

                  I guess im upset cus i never had any symptoms
                  and btw i really have to squeeze my pecs really really hard just to get a lil drip to come out, gross huh
                  any other bro's got this shit from tren



                  • #10
                    My gyno was associated with a lot of pain/discomfort. I had nodules the size of golfballs as well as the discharge your experiencing and it wasn't for lack of nolvadex. I really don't know what to tell you...even more a reason to get it checked out.
                    The fact that you don't have firm tissue/swelling underneath your nipples is encouraging. Irregardless, nipple drainage for anything other than a lactating female is very odd and something that you should be proactive about.


                    • #11
                      i'd still say get it checked out. it's not like you have to tell the doctor anything about your AS use. just tell him that lately, your tits have been bothering you and now you're lactating. hell, i'd go for piece-of-mind alone at this point.


                      • #12

                        Whatever happened at the doc's office?


                        • #13
                          Damn Bro, you have me worried now. I am running 100mg tren ED in my current cycle. I always thought that the symptoms of progesterone induced gyno were the same. That's strange that you had no other signs of trouble. Was their any puffiness during the cycle?


                          • #14
                            Just an update...from a while ago, checked out and was ok after I did the following, femara ed and bromo a month of that and completely gone, no gyno no lactating no pec distortion, I'm fairly low in bf now and it looks great no lumps or anything. I ended up learning one lesson I run femara now throughout my tren and nolva when I run my prop from day 1 on, no issues no problems still worries( just respect the strength of gear) From what I gathered research on the net gyno associated from tren is way diff than from prop in terms of speed and seriousness. Most people think nolva will help the tren induced gyno but it will not go femara and bromo if something is already there. Luckily I caught it early and no know what to look for, Just a little note for everyone, Yes u can squeeze fluid from ure nips if u squeeze hard enuf I mean( there is a gland that is not active in men but will yield super small amounts of fluid) really squeeze there is a hole and yes fluid can come out, If fluid comes out easily then u have something to worry about, but the difference is the volume and ease of incident. For those who say fluid does not come out are wrong the inner lining of the nipple hole is moist and that moisture can be squeezed but only in the tinniest amount as in barely visable( this is for those who are paranoid and will now squeeze the nips for the next hour straight) but from gyno larger amounts will come out...
                            I hope this wasn't confusing and I hope that people will read and learn
                            GET FEMERA and run it any time u run tren the sponsors have it readily for a cheap price



                            • #15
                              Ok and just to clear one thing up, I waited a long time to respond to make sure I was ok to cycle again, so now I'm 4months into a cycle and have no issues, I just wanted to make sure that I was on to something that worked so that I could pass on my error to those so they could learn from it


