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Drol and Halo Question

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  • Drol and Halo Question

    I don't plan on using either of these for a few cycles but I enjoy planing out future cycles. So, how keepable are the gains normaly, and how do they compare strength-wise.:cool:

  • #2
    Both give you rapid gains in strength, drol adds size due to the water retention, halo hardens you to hell, but makes you extremely nasty and agressive, its a good drug for fighters

    gains are not very keepable, they are just a boost for most cycles before things like test, deca and so on kick in


    • #3
      I just completed my contest cycle. I ended the last 4 weeks with halo. Kept me real hard but my whole attitude changed. I don't think I'll ever run it again. I also was running it with fina which I'm sure didn't help at all. If you're not competing definitely use drol.

