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Are cycles longer then 12 weeks safe??

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  • Are cycles longer then 12 weeks safe??

    I need some feedback here guys stats 180 lean 3rd cycle the reason i decided to run it like this is cause i have this much gear and i dont want any to be left over and go to waste i was thinking of runing this cycle
    weeks 1-14 deca 400mg/week
    weeks 1-18 ethanate 500mg/week
    weeks1-4 d-bol 30mgs/day
    weeks 9-12 d-bol 30mgs/day
    weeks 14-19 hcg 500mg sunday and monday
    weeks 21-24 clomid/nolva 100mg/20mg/day+ creatine glutamine

    1. Are long cyles like this one safe to do?
    2. Is it a waste of gear some say you only grow in the 1st 8 weeks so its pointless to run it longer is this true?
    thks luke

  • #2

    Well I will stay out of that.
    I like longer cycles myself.

    Nice cycle but I was thinking that for a long cycle you may want to bump the Test dose after 10-12 wks.

    Maybe to 700mg/wk?


    • #3
      Im one week into a 20 week cycle :

      Week 1-4 75mgs of anadrol ed
      Week 1-20 600mgs of T-400 shot 2x per week @300mgs
      Week 1-18 400mgs of EQ shot 2x per week @200mgs
      Week 11-14 40mgs Dbol ed
      Proviron 25mgs ed
      Clomid pct

      Liquidex and Liquid nolva on its way this week.

      The anadrol @weeks 1-4 and the Dbol @weeks 11-14 are for jump starts at the first 10 weeks and the 2nd 10 weeks.

      At week 12 i will see how i feel and look and decied if i will continue for the 20 week cycle.

      Thanks, Max
      Last edited by MAXOVERLOAD; 07-18-04, 05:07 PM.


      • #4
        safe?!?! everyone is different... personally i also prefer longer cycles in the 16-20 week range. anything longer then that i just get burnt out. remember that it's hard on your body to keep adding soo much weight each week for such long periods of time. go ahead and give it a good 16 week and see how your gains are doing, then decide at that point to continue or not.


        • #5
          i don't know how safe they are but my cycles are really long

