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Am I selling myself short?

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  • Am I selling myself short?

    I am currently in week six of my second cycle.
    I have cycled up to a gram of test cyp a week and am using tren at 125mg eod.
    I have so far gained a great deal of strength and can tell that I have gained some decent weight and size. I couldn't tell you exactly how much as I haven't been on a scale in over a year. I'm guessing I weigh between 255 and 265 give or take and my body fat isn't low, but it's acceptable. I'm 24, my diet isn't anywhere near as clean as it should be, but i do get a great deal of protein in everyday (350-400 grams)
    My question is: Would I benefit from increasing the frequency of my tren to 100mg everyday or would the difference be barely noticable?

  • #2
    Sounds like you just need to fix your diet.


    • #3
      Re: Am I selling myself short?

      Originally posted by The B
      I am currently in week six of my second cycle.
      I have cycled up to a gram of test cyp a week and am using tren at 125mg eod.
      I have so far gained a great deal of strength and can tell that I have gained some decent weight and size. I couldn't tell you exactly how much as I haven't been on a scale in over a year. I'm guessing I weigh between 255 and 265 give or take and my body fat isn't low, but it's acceptable. I'm 24, my diet isn't anywhere near as clean as it should be, but i do get a great deal of protein in everyday (350-400 grams)
      My question is: Would I benefit from increasing the frequency of my tren to 100mg everyday or would the difference be barely noticable?
      you can only tell that by experimenting yourself but most likely not. Tren is mostly a strength drug and at 125 EOD you should be seeing most of the gains achievable from tren. anything more could just bring more sides. and of course if this is your second cycle and you are using a gram of test I am assuming you are some sort of bodybuilder or powerlifter.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shibby
        Sounds like you just need to fix your diet.


        • #5
          holy shit second cycle and your already hittin a gram of test! how much you gonna use on your 5th or 6th cycle? you crazy bro! although 265 is big how much did you weigh when you started?


          • #6
            first you need to change your diet--

            second you need to stop relying on the drugs to do the work a gram of test and its only your second cycle-- -

            there is no side stepping hard work

            125mgs of tren eod is plenty--

            what are your goals???


            • #7
              I'm looking to clear at least 270 by the end of this cycle. I started at roughly 240. I'm not really using this as a cutter so right now my diet isn't my main concern. I eat well, although not as well as i should. I cycled up to a gram after not noticing many results from 500mg and 750mg. I guess I just don't respond as well to the drugs as most. I don't think that I'm relying to heavily on the drugs as I'm still very consistent in my workouts but I will definately take that into consideration. I have been told that it can be beneficial to hit the gear hard your first few cycles because all of your receptors are still relatively clean. I may be mistaken, but on paper that sounds like it makes sense. However I would like to thank you all for your input. Definately food for thought.


              • #8
                Originally posted by The B
                I'm looking to clear at least 270 by the end of this cycle. I started at roughly 240. I'm not really using this as a cutter so right now my diet isn't my main concern. I eat well, although not as well as i should. I cycled up to a gram after not noticing many results from 500mg and 750mg. I guess I just don't respond as well to the drugs as most. I don't think that I'm relying to heavily on the drugs as I'm still very consistent in my workouts but I will definately take that into consideration. I have been told that it can be beneficial to hit the gear hard your first few cycles because all of your receptors are still relatively clean. I may be mistaken, but on paper that sounds like it makes sense. However I would like to thank you all for your input. Definately food for thought.
                I didn't respond real well to test until I tried prop. however that really is too much test though. you would do better IMO to drop the test back to 500 and just add an oral for the last half of your cycle. Test/fina/dbol is an unbeatable combo. Just my 2 cents.


                • #9
                  Unfortunately, my supplier cannot get ahold of test prop. It was my intention to use prop and tren at 100mg eod each. However, I took what I could get and I can't say that I'm dissappointed. I have noticed a good deal of water retention though. In another couple of weeks, I'm going to start with clen for two weeks on and off. That's when I'll try some clomid or arimidex to combat the water. As for Dbol, I tried that in my last cycle and I don't think that the stuff I got was legit. So, until i can find some that's kosher, I'm going to save my money. Thanks for all the input everyone!


                  • #10
                    im confused, if its not a cutter why use clen. if diet isnt a concern as much as weight add more meals and more protein and train more. To be honest it sound like a poorly planned cycle. I love tren and its very powerful your dose is plenty, your test dose is plenty as well, i think you should decide what you want, stick with it and add meals and calories for weight and add cardio and cut carbs and calories and clean up your diet if you want to cut.

