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  • bloodwork

    Hi guys

    i was just curious about gear and bloodwork. Lets say a healthy person with all normal bloodwork went on gear. What kind of changes should they expect to see in there standard bloodwork results. By standard im refering to Cholesterol, triglycerites (sp), enzymes..shit like that. Let me get specific and say that the person was using Winny, Prop and deca. If i took bloodwork before my cycle and it was normal what can i expect about 4 week into the cycle to see, if there is anything to see at all. BTW the doses of Prop winny and deca are all the Standard ones reccomended througout the board


  • #2
    LDL will increase. HDL will decrease. The winny will likely cause at least some minor elevations in liver enzymes (oral winny more so than winny depot). I wouldn't expect much of any change in trigycerides unless you have a suger problem to begin with. These values are highly individual so it is impossible to tell you how drastic the changes will be. I can only predict general trends. Also, 4 weeks may not be long enough to see drastic changes. Good idea to check midway through the cycle though just to be sure your liver and kidneys are holding up well, etc.

    Given a standard diet, a lot depends on things other than the gear. How much water do you drink? What other supplements are you taking? What genetic predispositions exist in your family (diabetes, hypoglycemia, etc.)? All of these things will impact your blood values.


    • #3
      LDL the good or bad one?


      • #4
        Originally posted by tron
        LDL the good or bad one?
        The bad one.

