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  • Base?

    I was wondering what test and nand base is good for? are these only for topical gel use? I presume they just have no ester? So no timed release? I know in other chem research that base usually isnt long lifed so they usually make it hcl to hold up to our air and such. Could someone please bring me up to speed on bases and what there good for? Thanks

  • #2
    let me answer your last question first, drugs are salted (the HCL part) not so much for the reasons you stated as to make them absrobable by the bode. Basically it is easier for the body to absorb a heavy salt of a drug then the actual drug itself. Penicillen (spell?) is a good example.

    Base are good for short acting boost, precontest were your going to be tested and need the stuff out of your system in a short time, or just as a powerful drug.

    Test base can be made in oil, shot once a day, and yields great results.

    Nand base should be used in transdermals

    Bold base is make some headway as cyclo bold but for the most part transdermal


    • #3
      Originally posted by Skyefire
      let me answer your last question first, drugs are salted (the HCL part) not so much for the reasons you stated as to make them absrobable by the bode. Basically it is easier for the body to absorb a heavy salt of a drug then the actual drug itself. Penicillen (spell?) is a good example.

      Base are good for short acting boost, precontest were your going to be tested and need the stuff out of your system in a short time, or just as a powerful drug.

      Test base can be made in oil, shot once a day, and yields great results.

      Nand base should be used in transdermals

      Bold base is make some headway as cyclo bold but for the most part transdermal
      Do you have a recipe for Test Base in oil? As much as I love the stuff, the constant heating to get it back into solution is making me nuts!


      • #4
        several, what are you looking for? the easiest is 3% BA and 12%BB at 50mg/ml. There is one that is in PEG, one that uses guaucol and so on.


        • #5
          To call testosterone or nandrolone (no esters) "bases" is a bit of a misnomer actually. They are not bases in a classical sense. You can't form HCl salts of testosterone or nandrolone (or any other steroid). They are neutral molecules with no basic nitrogens (stanozolol may be an exception).

          What people mean by "test base" is that it is just that there are no esters attached so intead of some ester at the 17 position, there is just an -OH (alcohol) function.


          • #6
            Skye would it yield better results 100mg ed of test base or test prop, or is it effectively the same thing



            • #7
              Originally posted by num1son
              Skye would it yield better results 100mg ed of test base or test prop, or is it effectively the same thing

              well the test base would be stronger but the prop would be easier to take and the ester makes absorbsion much more gradually, this even process.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Skyefire
                well the test base would be stronger but the prop would be easier to take and the ester makes absorbsion much more gradually, this even process.
                Isn't base injects pretty painful afterwards?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by beefcake
                  Isn't base injects pretty painful afterwards?
                  they can be, if done right there not bad but usually low mg/ml


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Skyefire
                    several, what are you looking for? the easiest is 3% BA and 12%BB at 50mg/ml. There is one that is in PEG, one that uses guaucol and so on.
                    I have tried test 'base' in both PEG(300) and with SS (guiacol), and I will never do either again.
                    Is it possible to get a BA/BB solution to 75-100mg/ml?
                    Last edited by Gopower; 09-07-05, 06:34 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gopower
                      I have tried test 'base' in both PEG(300) and with SS (guiacol), and I will never do either again.
                      Is it possible to get a BA/BB solution to 75-100mg/ml?
                      yes but its gona hurt. myself I would take the extra oil or use a transdermal


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Skyefire
                        yes but its gona hurt. myself I would take the extra oil or use a transdermal
                        Thanks for being straight about it. I think that this is the one case where high-potency solutions might actually damage the muscle. I see no point in in taking something that will actually lay me out for a few days, instead of using a smaller amount and being able to function.

