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Side Effects

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  • Side Effects

    How long does it typically take for the side affects of D-Bol and Winstrol to come into play?? and by side affects i mean acne, oily skin, damage to liver....could one cycle really set that off or do you have to be continually on the stuff??? Thanks

  • #2
    Re: Side Effects

    Originally posted by Cowboy1185
    How long does it typically take for the side affects of D-Bol and Winstrol to come into play?? and by side affects i mean acne, oily skin, damage to liver....could one cycle really set that off or do you have to be continually on the stuff??? Thanks
    I don't get acne from gear or oily skin. Liver damage is an individual thing that you need to keep track off with proper supps and getting periodic bloodwork done. Unless you have pre-existing conditions orals are all that bad as people make them out to be but still nothing to be trifled with.


    • #3
      Alright thanks man....Not to be taking to much of your time, but i was wondering what are some good fruit or other things that you could mix with whey protein...or if you know of a URL that has a menu or something like it to mix protein shakes with could you please fill me in...thanks again


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cowboy1185
        Alright thanks man....Not to be taking to much of your time, but i was wondering what are some good fruit or other things that you could mix with whey protein...or if you know of a URL that has a menu or something like it to mix protein shakes with could you please fill me in...thanks again
        check out our recipe section. bananas and strawberry always do well for me.

