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second cycle... suggestions

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  • second cycle... suggestions

    I started out hoping to lose some weight and make some strength improvements: I definetly achieved this...

    just finished a 10 week cylce of QV 300 Deca and TTokkyo Stanol 50- had good results-
    dropped 7% body fat and gained thirty pounds and overall all lifts went up pretty well.

    28yrs / 6'1
    Started at 250 lbs 27% BF-
    currently 282 lbs 19.5% BF

    3K a day diet- 250-300 protein

    on a seperate note: noticing my bench is staying the same in the last two weeks is this normal?

    Anyhow, my question is as such:

    thinking about my second cyle- i have these at my disposal
    QV 300deca, QV 200 Bold, and 250 Enantat- nolvadex (60 tabs 10mg)-

    how should i stack these- suggestions much appreciated-

  • #2
    I would run the decca for 10wks at 450mg a week, EQ at 400mg a week for 10wks and the t250 at 500-750mg no more then that at 10wks. Just keep the nolvadex by your side just in case. But make sure you stay off until your test levels are normal or stay off for 10 wks.


    • #3
      Originally posted by therock
      I would run the decca for 10wks at 450mg a week, EQ at 400mg a week for 10wks and the t250 at 500-750mg no more then that at 10wks. Just keep the nolvadex by your side just in case. But make sure you stay off until your test levels are normal or stay off for 10 wks.
      this looks pretty good.... i'd run something like this


      • #4
        awesome- I really appreciate the feedback-

        I was a little confused from some other sources feedback- about the Bold and Deca kinda defeating the purpose... something about them being kinda the same-

        - to reiterate, you recommend waiting 10 weeks before going for cycle # 2-

        much thanks-


        • #5
          wow thirty lbs and lost 7%, good cycle you should be happy


          • #6
            Originally posted by therock
            I would run the decca for 10wks at 450mg a week, EQ at 400mg a week for 10wks and the t250 at 500-750mg no more then that at 10wks. Just keep the nolvadex by your side just in case. But make sure you stay off until your test levels are normal or stay off for 10 wks.
            I also love the stack but that just isn't long enough to get the full benifit out the eq and deca. Both literally take 5 to 6 weeks to kick in. See for details

            Basically the same thing just a little longer (also remeber that compairitively EQ is a weak steriod) The length can be adjusted down if you like but I would not run the eq and deca anything less the 12 weeks.

            400mg Deca a week weeks 1 to 15
            600mg EQ a week weeks 1 to 15
            750mg Test e a week weeks 1 to 16
            250iu HCG twice a week 1 tp 16, 4 times a week 17 and 18.
            10mg Nolvadex ED weeks 1 to 18
            Start PCT week 19 and run 40mg nolvadex ED for two weeks then 20mg for another 2 weeks

            Your about my size (bigger probly sense I am 6' 5" and change)and wieght and this was what I ran for my third cycle. Loved it. On the EQ I really didn't see much until I ran 600mg for 8 weeks but I loved it after. Only I didn't run the HCG with it (didn't know about running durring a cycle at the time) so I ran a 6 week PCT (was a little overkill maybe)

            Be sure to take therocks advice about off time (I sould talk) good luck


            • #7
              Good luck man. Let us know how you do.


              • #8
                damn that last menu plan sounds great-
                need to see if i can get more gear to keep up-... those longer cycles sound intriguing as hell...

                I appreciate the suggestions and will definelty keep you guys posted-

                right now, I just want my test levels to come back to normal...

                still training hard and maintaing the intensity, so hard on the pysche knowing im done for a little while...
                weeks ,6,7,8 were the best...

                good luck to you guys as well...


                • #9
                  ok- im a little confused-

                  never mind... I answered my own question
                  Last edited by vigil76; 09-21-04, 01:33 AM.


                  • #10

                    I think Skyfire meant 10 mg of novaldex per day, hence "ED"= Every Day; that was his recommendation to me and I am on a much lower dosage of gear, MUCH lower. 10 mg of Nolva (Tamoxifene) once a week is like giving a whale a TIC-TAC...basically USELESS!

                    About your strength staying about the same right now, that's because of the gear's half-life, it's saturation is slowly diminishing out of your system.

                    You said your best weeks were weeks 6,7,8...that's when the gear you are taking is approaching it's highest levels of saturation. I don't know if there is a saturation chart within this site, but they are out there. If I have time, I will send it to a mod and they can look it over and see if it's appropriate to post..

                    You said you want your test to come back to normal, what is your PCT (Post Cycle Treatment) consist of?

                    QUESTION FOR SKYFIRE: Aren't these dosages high for a second cycle, as I read them 1350 mg's per week on a second cycle? OR are you meaning separately for each type of gear? The only reason I ask is b/c it's a second cycle and he seemed to have such good results on the little bit he used on the first cycle. Also gear is something you have to progessively use higher and higher dosages to get the same effects over time, why not prolong lower dosages with what seems to be incredible gains for a first timer. Another idea is with this level of dosing, exponential growth and strength will occur, can a persons tendons handle this type of growth on a second cycle without major injury?...I'm all for kickin' ass and getting HUGE, but it seems like the risk is higher than the reward with such a high dosage.

                    Anyway...GOOD LUCK and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK....


                    • #11
                      I appreciate the feedback... my test levels are good- so I decided to go "ON" again as of last night- thats why I wanted clarification on tamoxifeno- forgot to read the "ED"- figured it out real quick!

                      None-the-less, there is always concern about whether I allowed enough time...
                      I plan to exercise good monitoring as to how my body is doing etc...

                      I am concerned I won't have enough EQ- to run at the recommended dosage... will see how this goes ...

                      I did see some loss in strength and an increased soreness after being off for several weeks-

                      I will keep you guys posted as to my results

                      Good luck to all! And thanks for the feedback


                      • #12
                        Bro how long exactly have you been off for? You should try and adhere to the time on = time off rule of thumb or somewhat close regardless of test levels being ok. Did you get any bloodwork done. Did you run a PCT?


                        • #13
                          actually, I did have blood work done... discussed with my physcian my activities and current endeavors-
                          the results were:
                          liver enzymes slightly high - due to having gone drinking few days before,
                          cholestrol was good 191,
                          sugar was good
                          iron was good-
                          overall everything came out good-

                          PCT- Nolvadex last three weeks - no HCG due to availabilty


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by vigil76
                            I am concerned I won't have enough EQ- to run at the recommended dosage
                            You dont know how much you have???:eek:

                            What do you HAVE? I'll tell you right now if you have enough:confused:


                            • #15
                              I have enough to run 300 mg a week of eq for 10 weeks-

                              fuck it!

                              I'll just get more...

