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Cycle ? for vets and mods

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  • Cycle ? for vets and mods

    Ok guys I have several cycles under my belt.I am planning my next cycle as we speak.I am looking for osme mods to answer some ? I have and maybe put me in the right directions.I am looking to gain lean mass while trying to not gain too much water.

    Tren e @ 750 mg's per week Weeks 1-8
    Masteron @ 500mg's per week Weeks 1-10
    Anadrol[turkish anapolens]75mg per day Weeks 1-5
    Winny 125mg eod Weeks 6-10
    genitropin HGH @ 4 iu's per day 5 on and 2 off Weeks 1-24
    Cytomel @ 25 mgs per day 2 weeks on and two weeks off
    Clen 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off
    Eca on clen off weeks

    Like I said I am trying to put on lean mass.let me know what you think of the dosages.I know I am should not try to lean out while adding mass but, i tend to shed fat easy while on easy.

  • #2
    stats and cycle history would be nice for dosages but if your trying to put on mass why use the t3 and clen? Just not needed IMO esp with tren.

    10 weeks worth of orals? Did your liver piss you off? Drol isn't the first choice for lean gains, Dbol would actually be better (with a strong AI) none here is probable best. Drol is not the best option and the winny is overkill with Masteron and tren. JMO

    Unless the Masteron is good a keep the boys happy or you know for a fact that you don'e get fina dick then add some test or primo.

    I would try
    Tren e @ 750 mg's per week Weeks 1-8
    Test Cyp 750 mg 's per week weeks 1-8
    Masteron @ 500mg's per week Weeks 1-10
    genitropin HGH @ 4 iu's per day 5 on and 2 off Weeks 1-24
    10mg nolvadex ed

    What are you plaining for a PcT?

