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End of cycle deppression...ready to do another already?

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  • End of cycle deppression...ready to do another already?

    Just came off my first cycle of 13 weeks. 500mg of test. enan./week. Had some amazing gains, about 25lbs. Bench press and squat went up 40%. Finished my cycle 3 weeks ago, with pct, using chrysin and clomid, with very few side effects(only a small amount of testical shrinkage and a occasional sore nips).
    Now, after the cycle is complete, I'm feeling sluggish and small. I can still hold on to my max weights but for example, the exercises I used to get 10 reps, I can barely get 6-8 reps now. I'm still taking creatine and trib but its not nearly as potent as the test.
    The question is...How long do I have to wait to do another cycle?

  • #2
    let your body recover first, go do some blood work, make sure all your levels are A-ok and then you can hit it another!


    • #3
      If you want something for post cycle take Adenergy from Optimium Nutrition. I promise you if you take this in less then a month w/ good nutrition you will be stronger then you were on test. For example I was on a cycle 3months ago and I only was able to hit the 115 dumbells on flat bench for 4 sets of 10. Now with adenergy I can hit the 120's for 12 reps and 125's for 8reps! Try it. Its badass!

