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Bulker - Thoughts?

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  • Bulker - Thoughts?

    Goal: Mass / moderate increase in bodyfat

    Routine: Powerlifting

    Diet: 4000 quality cals - 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fats

    5' 11"
    180 lbs
    10% bf
    29 years old

    Cycle History: 2 light cycles in early twenties; Just finished a cutter of

    wk1-15 Prop 150 mg/EOD
    wk1-12 EQ 400mg/wk
    wk1-6 var 40mg/ED
    wk11-15 winny 50mg/ed

    Thinking of bulking on this cycle starting in December:

    1 - 6 dbol 40 mgs /ed
    1-14 cyp 600mg/week
    1-13 eq 600mg/week
    1-13 nand deca 200mg/week

    1-16 letro .75mg Mon Wed Fri
    1 -16 hcg 250 twice / week

    Any thoughts or advice?

  • #2
    up the deca to 400 if your going for bulk although that is a lot of gear for 180lb

    Eat, eat , eat


    • #3
      Originally posted by Skyefire
      that is a lot of gear for 180lb
      Alot or too much?

      I can dial it down a little, if need be. Here's my thinking. this summer, i ran prop at 150 eod to start. Didn't feel like I was getting enough so I bumped it up to 200 eod and liked the results. this summer was also the first time I've run EQ and really liked the results (hardness). Again, though, felt like I could've used a touch more. I was going to run a low dose of deca for the joints. Dbol is for an early kick.


      • #4
        then its fine, though I would still run 400mg on the deca (why waste the extra empf for another 200mg a week)
        like to see how this works for you bro. nice combo


        • #5
          Looks good bro. Just start the deca@400 like skyfire said, maybe weeks 6-16 after the dbol


          • #6
            I personally would use either the deca or the EQ - no, they're not the "same", and I've read countless threads on people arguing the merits of one vs. the other. I like EQ, 600/week is good.

            I'd just run the same thing without the deca. 600 cyp, 600 EQ, dbol in the beginning. Otherwise, I'd up the test if you've got a hard on to use more gear.



            • #7
              thx for all the comments / suggestions. I'll do a little more research, make some changes, and repost.

