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No Response to DNP?

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  • No Response to DNP?

    Okay so I read everything I could find about DNP before starting it and basically, because I sweat so much normally, expected to be totally soaked 24/7. Oh well, as long as I don't develope any alergies, I'll just deal with it and sit away from others to avoid grossing them out.

    But damn, I'm on day 5 now @ 200 mg (I'm 200 pounds at about 12% BF) and I don't feel a thing. I don't doubt they're real, as the person I got them from is pretty well known for his generation II caps, but I'm honestly getting nothing from them. I'm going to bump the doseage up to 400 mg a day (taken 12 hours apart), hopefully that'll make a difference.

    But I'm wondering, are there people that just don't respond at all to it?

    Thanks guys.

  • #2

    The biggest mistake DNP users make is..... doubting they work or that they are real. Dont go over 600mg a day and split them up through out the day. If you take in some carbs you should sweat like never before. Drink plenty of water it is essential for fat loss.


    • #3
      The biggest mistake DNP users make is..... doubting they work or that they are real. Dont go over 600mg a day


      • #4
        Hows the progress now??



        • #5
          I bumped up my doseage to 400 mg (taken 12 hours apart) on the 5th day. Since then I've began sweating a little bit. My t-shirt is damp in the back--not soaked though--and dry everywhere else.

          One thing I thought I would ask about: I took the week off from training because, like I said, I really didn't think I would have the energy to go (looking back now though I could have easily went). I thought DNP worked independent of your physical activities, but could that be the reason it didn't work, or at least didn't appear to work (it didn't make me sweat), @ 200 mg?

          Thanks for the responses so far, guys.


          • #6
            I cycled dnp 4 times using sle******rs DNP when he was around ...

            ...Just a couple things that may help .....
            I went up to 800mgs and 1000 once and found it to be counter productive to cycle that high ..I was way to lethargic to even consider exercising at that high of a dose... When you first take it ,it will take about 12 hours to really start feeling it..After that you can tell for about 4 hours after each dose that its really working on your system .."""The half life is much longer than 4 hours BTW.""""..
            .. Dosing was something that I also experimented with ..I found that taking the majority of mine at night was much better for me ..I took one 4 hours before i went to bed and one right at bed time ..If I took to many during the day i was just to tired during the day to be productive ....
            I would guess your DNP is good and to just take it slow and easy ...


            • #7
              Im only bumping this old thread as I am feeling the same way as Crex. I will bump to 400 today.

              Crex did it ever work out for you? We have the same supplier :)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Crex
                I bumped up my doseage to 400 mg (taken 12 hours apart) on the 5th day. Since then I've began sweating a little bit. My t-shirt is damp in the back--not soaked though--and dry everywhere else.

                Hey Caladin,

                I think that part answered your question. Seems like he got results from the 400mg and not the 200mg dosing. Guess that seems to be a typical (but of course not always) point where it goes from having a small effect to a noticable effect. Kind of like taking 250mg of test or taking 500mg of test. Not saying that 250 won't work for some people, just saying that a bigger spike in test levels occurs at 500mg rather than 250 on average.

