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high Red Blood cells

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  • high Red Blood cells

    Just had blood work done and my doc says my Red Blood count is at 19......the range should be 13-17......he is sending me to a Hemotologist....apparently my bone marrow is producing more red cells than is necessary.......I would assume this is becasue of my AS use....any opinions....

  • #2
    Last edited by GearTripper; 08-19-09, 06:48 PM.


    • #3
      cycle over

      haven't been on since august 9th.........should be long enough for me to get a clean reading......don't you think.....


      • #4
        For curiousity's sake what did you run up till August 9th. Was EQ in the cycle?


        • #5
          Originally posted by King Moose
          For curiousity's sake what did you run up till August 9th. Was EQ in the cycle?
          EQ can cause an increase in red blood cells but so does a lot of other AS...I agree on the blood donation...


          • #6

            EQ was in the mix, but my Red blood count should return to normal after a period of time.....don't you think...?


            • #7
              Re: cycle over

              Originally posted by bodybuilder6949
              haven't been on since august 9th.........should be long enough for me to get a clean reading......don't you think.....
              It will definately return to normal after a period of time but I think that in some cases it can take more that 2 months. I would think that your high cell count is definately related to your AS use and is not natural.


              • #8
                I would go ahead and donate the blood. Cmsmallzz is right on the time. Hell it almost take that long for it to kick in it isn't going to disapear overnight.


                • #9
                  AAS will cause your body to produve more red blood cells.
                  Red Cells lis approx 60 days.... so after you finish you cycle the marrow will still be over active for awhile. Once it gets bact to normal ( the marrow( it will take 60 more days for RBC's to return to their normal lavel,,,,, figure about 90 days.
                  the hemotologity seems an over reaction unless he sees something else also... i assuse he dosen't know about AAS useage


                  • #10
                    I stopped August 9, red count is still high...had a CATscan on Tureday....Will let you know what the result is.....The Hemotologist took one pint of blood from melast week.....she plans on taking more as part of the treatment. High red count can cause stroke.blood clots and anurisms. Been on an off AS for6 years......maybe its finally caught up to me....I'll keep you posted.


                    • #11
                      with the normal range being between 13 and 17 and yours being at 19 to me they are overeacting abit-

                      its not off by much at all

                      lets us know how things turn out -- better safe then sorry


                      • #12
                        Bro, I was off AAS for well over 3 months and my red blood cell counts were still elevated. I ran EQ for 15 weeks @ 800mgs/wk during my cycle.

                        I've been off now for about about 8 months now, and I just went back for routine physical (pre-cycle blood work to be honest).. and all my red blood cell counts and liver values were completely normal.

                        Now also take into mind that cancer runs in my family and that I go to the same blood doctors as my parents do (mother passed away from cancer and father almost lost his) and although my tests came back same as yours, my doctor's first reaction was to question steroid usage and nothing more.

                        In the end though, you never know what it could be so definitely stay on top of it - god forbid it isn't anything serious....


                        • #13
                          bad news

                          I have been diagnosed with Polycythemia Vera....My marrow is making too much red blood....this requires a phlebotomy on a weekly basis (one pint of blood)......At some point it could develop into acute myelogenous leukemia.....Warning to all AS users....Long term use, if you are predisposed, could lead to this.......I'll will keep you posted.


                          • #14
                            Good luck, man! Keep us informed if you find out anything. Do you think they could have misdiagnosed purely on the basis of too much red blood cells? Maybe in a few months, after all the side effects of AS wear off, everything will be cleared up.


                            • #15

                              I have all the classic symptoms of the disease......redness of the skin, inchness of the skin especially after a warm bath or shower, enlarged spleen and liver,,headaches, memory doubt about it....

