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250mg Test - 7 weeks straight or ... ?

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  • 250mg Test - 7 weeks straight or ... ?

    I started 250mgs/week of Test 3 weeks ago .... so i am roughly in the middle of my course now. I am due my next shot tomorrow, but i heard that if i break up my 7 week course into two, and use an anti-estrogen for a few weeks in the middle, that it might give me better gains ..... any thoughts??

    the anti-e is pregnyll btw

    cheers :)

  • #2
    What ester is it? If its cyp or enth you only just be starting to see gains now. Run the full seven weeks. To much of a yo yo effect to split the course into 2. You'll get better gains by staying on. I have heard of 4-6 weeks blitz cycles but the dosage of test was about 1-2 grams a week. I just dont see how you can keep your gains on that short of a cycle, your body hasnt had time to adjust to the weight.


    • #3
      i'm on sustanon250 ... yeah u r right, just starting to get gains now..thx man


      • #4
        How did this small dose work out for ya?


        • #5
          IMO you should run sust for 10 to 12 weeks to get the full benefit of it... run it straight through.... pregnyl is HCG, i usually run HCG for 10 days straight about half way through my cycles at 500iu/day.


          • #6
            I would go 10-12 weeks. otherwise you've spent over half of your cycle ramping up.


            • #7
              Originally posted by vicmack777
              How did this small dose work out for ya?

              it works well brother, my first cycle i used 250mgs of Soste for a few weeks around 8 or so and got good results went from 165 to 195.


              • #8
                Pregnyl is HCG. It is not an anti-e. In fact, you should run 20 mg nolva with the HCG to avoid gyno. No need to stop the test when you run the HCG either. Just continue your test shots as usual and shoot 250 to 500 IU's ed HCG sub-Q as well. Run the HCG for a week or two in the middle of your cycle. I would extend your cycle to 10 weeks. As someone above mentioned, enanthate or cypionate will just start to be really kicking in around 2 to 4 weeks and to get the most out of the cycle, it should be at least 10 weeks long.

