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Sick as hell off QV CYP

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  • #16
    I'm not a newbie.


    • #17
      Originally posted by GearTripper
      re: holograms being ripped off - can you give us anymore info on where you heard this? i haven't read anything about this anywhere. i know about the rumored fakes everywhere, but this is potentially HUGE NEWS in regards to the holograms!
      I think it was in MD where i read the same thing. You can tell the difference between the two stickers if you know what your looking for. Its not an exact reproduction.But its damn close they got better about faking the lables as well. They are rounding the corners now and using different ink for the lot numbers just like the real thing. My wife tossed some of my old MDs i'll see if i still have the issue.`

      I only use QV as a last resort now.


      • #18
        QV may be having some issues these days with under-dosing and some inconsistent batches, but to say it sucks is far fetched. Some people just have a reaction to different gear. I have heard the same shit about British Dragon, but everyone on this board seems to be swinging on their nuts for some reason. Remember guys, QV is the most common and most accessible to the majority of the people on this board and everywhere else; be happy you are fortunate that you have access to other labs...

        It's like what G-S told my about Tren and toxic levels, which he said rumors are spread about Tren and how bad it's for you after a certain about of time, which has been BULLSHIT spread on these boards. (I was a victim of this rumor believe also).

        I guess what I am trying to say is, don't shit on what other people use, just educate....If not educate, add a forum that is just for BITCHING about QV....

        IAMHUGE, I hope you feel better bro....


        • #19
          I used some of there older batches of cyp 008 or 007, not sure but I just took 400mg a week and it was painless and I was gaining in week 3.



          • #20
            Me and my buddy was using syggroup cyp. Same lot #, same source, I had painless shots, great gains. He had great gains but a couple of crippiling shots.



            • #21
              I am feeling better. Actually i am back too almost 100%. i think i just gave myself a bad shot. Last monday was my first shot, and my delt is still not completley recovered. However, I have done several shot's since with no fever and limited pain. I put 3cc's in my quad, and last night I put 1.5 in each tri, and I have 0 pain or fever so far. I have built my body on a lot of QV products, I actually like em alot. I have not had too much trouble w/ QV. The only thing I really saty away from is their enthate 50ml. I live in a small town w/ limited sources, so I also kind of get whatever is avaiable, and it's usually QV. I have tried other stuff too, but I don't think QV is that bad. Thanks for all ur help fellas....


              • #22
                IAMHUGE, The pictures I posted are completely different.. SAGARPA is spelled Sagarpa. (The old TTokkyo Fakes were spelled the same way).. The position of that line of text has moved. The formula and indications are all one sentence and some words are spelled different. It is though the font is too large.
                I have been trying to contact QV for about 1 month now. Another Anabolic board (Name Withheld) that I go to is where I heard about the holograms being compromised. Also, another person from that other board is not able to contact QV either by phone or email.
                I am 3 weeks into my current cycle, I am using an older batch of the Enth and Deca. I have been way too sick for the last week with the flu..

                I have used QV in the past without any issues. But I think something is up with the recent batches... Just my 0.2


                • #23
                  Ok- I take everything I said back. I shot my tri's last night w/ cyp and decca at 10pm. I have been in bed since 1pm today. This is bullshit. I have never been so sick 102 degere fever for most of the day. It looks like I shot 10cc's of synthol in each of my tri's. The pain is untorrable....I am done.

                  My cycle was: QV CYP 1200 wk

                  QV DECCA 900 wk

                  Loellfler reforvit simple D-BOL 50mg ed

                  Serostim G 3iu's monday-friday. Sat and Sun off.

                  I have been on for a while, I was just switching up gear. I was using: Aratest 2500 1000 wk,
                  QV Bold 800wk
                  Homebrew tren 100 eod
                  and the same G schedule.

                  I am taking the week off from the gym, for the first time in a about a year, till the swelling and pain goes away.

                  I dont know if I am gonna get back on or take a few weeks off yet. I will decide when I feel beter or get my hands on something other than QV. Sucks bad. Just dropped a bunch of $$, I got 4 10ml cyps, and 2 10ml decca 300's.

                  I think I posted batch # info earlier in this post, If anyone wants pict's let me know...I'll put some up.

                  Ur right bro....Something is gonning on w/ QV right now.


                  • #24
                    IAMHUGE, Sorry you are sick bro.... You are not alone in this!
                    I can't stand being outta the gym, I don't see how I can make it in tomorrow either.


                    • #25
                      It boggles my mind just how many people hop on this poorly made Mexican vet garbage just because it's cheap. You can go cheap on a lot of things to try and save money (no-name brands at the supermarket, ect) but you shouldn't be cutting corners with AAS. Spend a little more for peace of mind!


                      • #26
                        If i had avaiablity of other products, I would go w/ them. Got to take what I can get. I live in a small town.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by IAMHUGE
                          If i had avaiablity of other products, I would go w/ them. Got to take what I can get. I live in a small town.
                          well said....

                          Also, some people are too ignorant to do their research and trust other products.

