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Low test levels

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  • Low test levels

    I thought it would be prudent to get my test levels tested the other day, and needless to say I was concerned with the results.

    This is what I got back

    Total Cholesterol 131 mg/dL
    Trigycerides 70mg/dL
    HDL 49mg/dL
    LDL 68mg/dL
    Glucose fasting 97mg/dL which is borderline

    And Test was... 489 ng/dL

    That is very low. I am still young. The only thing i can think of is that it was because i hadnt been eating much the past two weeks, and they made me fast for the test in order to get my lipids tested. I am hoping that is the only reason that the levels were that low. I am looking to get a retest this week to see if it is really that low, becaus ethe levels fluctuate.

    I have only done one cycle months ago, with proper PCT. I also have put on 13 pounds of mostly muscle since that cycle, so I am not sure how I could have low test levels.

  • #2
    shit i dont know what any of thoes number mean. you know test was once looked at as a birth control due to the fact that it lowers test levels. how permenent it is i dont know hopefully youll be fine good luck


    • #3
      Re: Low test levels

      Originally posted by Severedties
      And Test was... 489 ng/dL

      That is very low.
      That's actually pretty average. What were your free test levels? Those are the numbers that are important.


      • #4
        how many months have you been off?

        it takes a while to come back to normal. and what is your normal? did you do a baseline test before you went on?

        most guys are between 350-650 btw.


        • #5
          I would worry a little about your HDL. 49 is pretty low. If you get below 40 it could be dangerous. Try and get it up around 60 or higher.


          • #6
            Re: Re: Low test levels

            Originally posted by beefcake
            That's actually pretty average. What were your free test levels? Those are the numbers that are important.
            not for a 20 year old male.


            How would I go about raising my HDL, I am guessing cardio?


            • #7

              My cycle was 6-7 months ago, and it was only a light cycle of test.


              • #8
                Severedties your numbers are not bad. try having a test level of 80. I should be a girl.


                • #9
                  how old are you?

                  490 is real low for a 20 year old dude.


                  • #10
                    Bro, why are you touching juice if you are 20 years old?
                    anyways test levels should be in high normal range at that age, I know from myself. I was lifting since 17 years old I had my Test levels checked at 19 a couple years after leaving my pediatrician for a real doc, the range for free test of a 20-29 year old male was 35-85 pmol/L. I had 85. I didin't touch any gear till 10 years later. It's the free test that you need to worry about! It will take time!
                    Last edited by GreekTank; 01-12-05, 12:57 AM.


                    • #11
                      Any other thoughts on the topic?

