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    Bros, been hearing some bothersome rumors at the gym that AAS use will result in HRT later in life. How? if PCT is done and you take longer breaks in between cycles and allow your Test levels to recover you should be alright! who can shed some light on this subject?

  • #2

    Originally posted by GreekTank
    Bros, been hearing some bothersome rumors at the gym that AAS use will result in HRT later in life. How? if PCT is done and you take longer breaks in between cycles and allow your Test levels to recover you should be alright! who can shed some light on this subject?
    PCT will bing your test levels back to a "normal" range, enough for you to not be considered deficient in test. However, when you take everything away, including the PCT, it can take around nine months for everything to return to its normal constant state, there will be periods of fluctuation est and test levels upon cessession of gear, in fact you will probably go through a rebound stage where you are over producing test.

    The point is that self administering hormones can have a suppressive effect much longer than many people usually think after they discontinue use, and how their bodies return to normal is different with everyone. One rule of thumb is that the older you are the longer it takes to recover, so long as your adult.

    No-one really know the real long term effect of AAS administration and those that have convinced their doc they need HRT may have really needed it regardless of their history of AAS use. I would hesitate a gues that those people who have used AAS are very consious, knowledgeable and sensitive to the indications of their own test function and are propably in fact more health concious than the average couch potatoe who wouldn't think of going to the doc for HRT, he'd just think "well I'm a fat fuck because I've never done anything, and as for a reduced sex drive or erectile function, well, who cares? nobody would screw me anyways and I'm used to it, I'm just geting old thats all!!

    Those same previous AAS users would be more inclined to go to the doc for HRT because they give a fuck!! Every man's Test, GH, Thyroid function subsides as they get old, just as woment estrogen levels decrease, you either want HRT or you don't and everyone probably has test levels low enough when they are older to justify being given it.

    One thing is for sure, when I'm old and done having kids, I may well go running to the doc and say I need HRT please, oh and not the patch, I would prefer some Organnon Sustanon 250mg please, two jabs a week!! and can you throw in 2iu per day GH please? and some T3


    • #3
      I think it depends on the person, for example I cycled off and on gear for about 9 years and suffered from all the aspects of being hypogondal, now on the other hand my brother has done the same cycles, pct etc.. and never had one problem. Genetics has to be the factor. I take HRT and an antiestrogen because I could not deal with what I had too all the time plus the legalites of buying juice with a wife and kid. I have too much to lose not to mention that my source has been popped more than once. I like hrt but i always wonder if taking an antiestrogen every day will catch up with me in a negative way in the future, but I must since I am soooo gyno prone. Just my 2 cents :D



      • #4
        Originally posted by Pumpdogg
        I think it depends on the person, for example I cycled off and on gear for about 9 years and suffered from all the aspects of being hypogondal, now on the other hand my brother has done the same cycles, pct etc.. and never had one problem. Genetics has to be the factor. I take HRT and an antiestrogen because I could not deal with what I had too all the time plus the legalites of buying juice with a wife and kid. I have too much to lose not to mention that my source has been popped more than once. I like hrt but i always wonder if taking an antiestrogen every day will catch up with me in a negative way in the future, but I must since I am soooo gyno prone. Just my 2 cents :D


        Would it be rude of me to ask exactly what HRT you take and in what form? and what ant est, is it nolvadex?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mr incredible

          Would it be rude of me to ask exactly what HRT you take and in what form? and what ant est, is it nolvadex?
          No not at all, I take Androgel 50mg twice a day and Evista ( Raloxofene) it is like nolva's cousin, not as strong as nolva but it works none the less. You only have an absorbtion rate of 10% of the androgel so I get 10mgs a day. It took care of all sexual dsyfunction etc... feel great and I can make steady gains in the gym now. Many guys are not fans of the gel and want shots of test, and I agree that would be nice however my doctor would not have me come to his office everyweek for shots when I could use the androgel and have great success. I cant complain though it does work, just not as an aid in gaining extra muscle like shots of test would do ( a good side effect). My overall test levels when I went and saw my endo were 200 and now they stay between 6-800 depending on how much I rub on b4 my test. I always back off my dose b4 i get tested in fear that he may reduce my dose if I came back to high, perhaps a little crazy sounding but it has worked for me thus far. I should tell you that if you are looking for a way to score juice from a doctor you may be dissapointed if you got what I have ( androgel). I am very happy with the results and am glad i found a doctor that would help me... it took me years to find one who would do anything for me, they would always look at me and say you dont need test you are very fit etc... I hope this helps



          • #6
            Thanks for the info PD


            • #7
              No problem thats why we all congregate here... to learn



              • #8
                PCT will bing your test levels back to a "normal" range, enough for you to not be considered deficient in test. However, when you take everything away, including the PCT, it can take around nine months for everything to return to its normal constant state, there will be periods of fluctuation est and test levels upon cessession of gear, in fact you will probably go through a rebound stage where you are over producing test.

                and also abotu what pump says -

                it does suck - the fluctuations -myself and a couple of bros in our late 30's that are prone to gyno always get nailed with a case of it while we are off between the 5th and 7 month after coming off and finishing pct. I guess this is our natural state where we are really recovering and lh is coming back strong so the system is overproducing for a short period.

                it does suck though because you get these ups and downs for about 4-8 months after cessation.

                if you are really gyno prone - you should think about it.


                • #9
                  You may need HRT later in life anyway. Using now will not influence the natural reduction in test as you age. The male human body produces about 7mgs./day, IN ITS PRIME. As age creeps up, the test creeps down. By the time most males are in their 50's, test production is probably down to 1-3mgs./day, thus the need for HRT. Most men WILL need it later in life. It's just the way it is. BB


                  • #10
                    injections weekly

                    I am on HRT weekly, ordered by a group from Florida....It has helped me quite a bit at the gym and other area's and I avoid being popped by some law enforcement agency.....I have tried to inform the mods of this company but no one seems to care....


                    • #11
                      Is this a website that all here can go to and look at or is this something under the radar? If it is the latter no wonder the mods will not speak with you regarding the issue.



                      • #12
                        If it is a legal company and a legit group, I don't see what would be wrong with posting it. I would not consider this a source.

                        A source in my definition would be someone who illegally and without a prescription gives you a scheduled substance that you can be arrested for.

                        If this is a company that promotes HRT and gives you a legal prescription, I don't see a problem with it. I know there are lots of "Age Defying" places where you can get HGH if you go in and they do certain tests. This sounds like a place like that.

                        If the mods haven't okay'd it, it would seem as though there may be a reason. I could be wrong but it doesn't sound right for them to just ignore it if it is legal.


                        • #13

                          this is a legitimate Rejuvenation center in florida that provides HRT after reviewing your medical history and blood tests. They provide you with legal prescriptions for test, anti-estrogens, as well as clomid and HGH......I have asked some mods if they have heard of them and they haven't responded....I have however received several PM on the subject from bros interested....This is not an AAS store or source....the amounts prescribed will not turn you into Arnold...... I have not devulged the name of the company over this board but would like to if the mods ok it. Maybe one of them could PM me....


                          • #14
                            The following is a licensed and legitimate business, (I checked them out with the Palm Beach BBB and they are fine). There's nothing illegal at all, and you are always under a Dr's. guidance. A bit pricey though. The info below was sent to me by one of their counselors after I had talked to him on the phone, you may call and get someone else. It's not a place you can just order what you want. You have to send them a recent blood test and fill out an on-line medical history, which is reviewed by one of their Dr's., before you can get anything. BB

                            Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center, Inc.

                            900 East Indiantown Rd. Suite 308

                            Jupiter, FL. 33477

                            Tele:1 (800)815-7443 ext 263

                            Fax: (561)427-0999



                            Thank you for your interest in our website:

                            Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center is a fully licensed medical clinic specializing in anti-aging and rejuvenating medicine. At the center we take a hormone replacement approach to health. PBRC provides physician guided and monitored programs utilizing (HGH) human growth hormone and testosterone. We have a physician on staff full time for consultation and review of all medical questions and files. We also have a fully trained staff of therapy counselors to answer any questions you might have. We are dedicated to treating each patient individually with a common outcome, that is to treat the symptoms of the aging process with appropriate prescription and non-prescription products geared towards each patient’s particular needs, expectations, medical history, and current blood test results. All pharmaceuticals are dispensed by U.S. compounding pharmacies and prescribed by licensed medical doctors.

                            What are the Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy?

                            9% Increase in lean muscle after six months
                            14% Reduction in body fat after six months
                            Increased strength and endurance
                            Enhanced sexual performance
                            Increased exercise capacity
                            Increased energy and reduced fatigue
                            Eliminates cellulite
                            Reversed the effects of aging
                            Reduced stress level
                            Reduction of the appearance of wrinkles
                            Thickening of hair with a shiny and healthy appearance
                            Enhanced immune system function
                            Lowered blood pressure and cholesterol
                            Reversed heart disease, atherosclerosis
                            and arteriosclerosis
                            Reversed osteoporosis
                            Improved kidney function
                            Accelerated wound healing
                            Improved memory retention and cognitive
                            Improved sleep and vision
                            Reversed muscle wasting
                            Prevented chronic, degenerative
                            neurological disease
                            Enhanced brain function

                            Please call me, Doug Bunker at 1-800-815-7443 ext.263 so we can discuss your goals and so I can tailor a therapy program to meet your needs and budget. You can also E-Mail me at [email protected]
                            If you would like to become a patient, please fill out the medical history forms at this link:


                            All calls are strictly confidential.

                            Best Regards,

                            Doug Bunker


                            • #15
                              told ya

                              while the doses are low, at least you know you are getting the real mccoy......
                              Last edited by bodybuilder6949; 02-25-05, 09:48 AM.

