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andpropen 275?

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  • andpropen 275?

    i was just wondering if anyone has ever heard of or used andropen 275 from british dragon, and if so what did you think of it?

  • #2
    sorry thats andropen 275 my bad


    • #3
      Yes heard of it. I have never tried it but would say it is the samething as t400 almost bro. I think it is pretty good mix of test. But dont know if the shit is good or not.


      • #4
        Rock, are you sure that it is like t400, everything i read about it makes it sound more like sustanon 250


        • #5
          I didnt mean in the sense of the formula but in the sense of injection pain. But you are right on the andropen being compared to sust250. On paper it looks better, but you know how that goes.


          • #6
            so do you think it is better than sustanon or not, and how painfull is the shot, and what do you think would be a good dose for that


            • #7
              Well its hard to say if its better then sust250. But I think its just as good. My buddy told me it hurts the same as test prop, which hurts a little but you can take it bro. I would run 2mls every 3 days. What else are you going to run with it?


              • #8
                dont you think 2mls every 3 days is alot? i was thinking more like 1ml every 3 days, how did your friend take it? and what kind of results did he get?


                • #9
                  He was taking 2mls a week for about 10-12wks. He stacked it with deca and he said he gained about 20lbs.


                  • #10
                    so do you think 1ml 2x a week would be enough?


                    • #11
                      Yeah bro! Thats 550mgs of test. So depending on your cycle history, I would say yes. But if youve done a lot of gear b4 you can go up to 3mls a week.


                      • #12
                        alright, thanks man,


                        • #13
                          What are you going to stack it with bro?


                          • #14
                            im going to run it for a total of 20 weeks, first 10 weeks with tren 75mgs eod, dbol 30mgs first 6 weeks, and for 10-6 eq with it, then pct.


                            • #15
                              Sound like you will make badass gains bro! Looks like a very well thought out cycle bro. I am doing the same but I am running eq all the way and instead of andropen I am doing prop, and test e.

