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First cycle

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  • First cycle

    I have decided to take the plunge. After two cycles of orals, second one being very successful, I have decided to go the gear route. Not because I can't get orals anymore, but because I want to see even better gains. Here's waht i'm gonna do:

    Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 500mg/week eod
    Week 1-4 d-bol 20mg ed

    Now I have a question about PCT. Would Nolva alone be ok at 20mg per day, or should I throw in some clomid?

  • #2
    In order to make PCT easier, I would do HCG throughout the cylce @ 250-500 I.U.'s twice a week. Stop the HCG 12 days after last test jab, and then begin with 40 mg of nolva for 5 days, then 20 for 4-5 more weeks.

    My 2 cc's


    • #3
      Originally posted by BENCH355ANIMAL
      In order to make PCT easier, I would do HCG throughout the cylce @ 250-500 I.U.'s twice a week. Stop the HCG 12 days after last test jab, and then begin with 40 mg of nolva for 5 days, then 20 for 4-5 more weeks.

      My 2 cc's
      hcg would help not sure if you need it but nolva will work at 40mgs for 2 weeks then 20mgs for 2 more i like to add clomid in there also at 100mgs 2weeks 50 mgs 2 weeks


      • #4
        oh i forgot the nolva and clomid at the same time. and nice clean simple cycle i like. good luck


        • #5
          Clomid works for me bro. If you do it I would go like this. 300mgs 1st day, next 10 days 100mgs ed, last 10 days 50mgs ed.


          • #6
            Orals? Oral AAS are steroids too. Did you mean PHs?


            • #7
              My 1st 2 cycles were 400/wk for 12wks and 500/wk for 15 wks test e. I saw basically no difference between the two as far as personal gains go. Did that mean that I should have or could have stayed with the lesser dosage and time for the next cycle and still achieved excellent gains? Probably, at least by conventional medicine wisdom. Did I?..... Of course not. Would i do it again if I had it to do over? No. As far as pct. I used nolva only 40/day for about a week then 20/day for another 3-4 weeks. No noticed sides exceptf or slight increase in BP and was horny as a 2 petered goat.


              • #8
                it looks good for a first cycle... btw what did you mean by 2 previous cycles of orals?


                • #9

                  you can run nolva only --

                  run it 40 mgs for 14 days then 20 mgs for another 14 days --

                  also you could even drop your test dose down abit to 300 or 400 mgs --

                  keep your training , diet, rest in check and good luck


                  • #10
                    By orals I meant M1T. I've been getting alot of mixed feelings about the PCT. I'll probably just do the Nolva since I already have it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Timma
                      By orals I meant M1T. I've been getting alot of mixed feelings about the PCT. I'll probably just do the Nolva since I already have it.
                      Well in my opinion I dont see why people run nolva only pcts. I dont think it will restore test levels like hcg and clomid. I am sorry but isnt the reason for pct to recover. I dont care if you do one aas or 10 aas. There is nothing better then clomid and hcg. But for your cycle only clomid would be needed. Dont cut yourself short on pct bro. Thats the most important part of a cycle. Id rather take more then less. JMO.


                      • #12
                        Re: First cycle

                        Originally posted by Timma
                        I have decided to take the plunge. After two cycles of orals, second one being very successful, I have decided to go the gear route. Not because I can't get orals anymore, but because I want to see even better gains. Here's waht i'm gonna do:

                        Week 1-12 Test Enanthate 500mg/week eod
                        Week 1-4 d-bol 20mg ed

                        Now I have a question about PCT. Would Nolva alone be ok at 20mg per day, or should I throw in some clomid?

                        Im a little confused here ...You say 500mgs a week then say eod ....500mgs a week is plenty and take the shots monday and thursday....... if that helps ....

                        from your history and dball dose IM sure 500mgs a week will be enough
                        Last edited by INTIMID8OR; 01-19-05, 11:53 PM.


                        • #13
                          What I meant by that was 500mg/week, injecting eod. I am changing that to only inj twice a week after suggestion from someone.


                          • #14
                            nolva is better than clomid for pct i learned that here at SM i use to belive clomid was best for pct untill someone showed me a study then i looked it up in my books and they were right nolva is better. but there are both cheep so i use both. no need for hcg in this cycle.
                            clomid 100mgs 2 weeks 50 mgs 2 weeks
                            nolva 40 mgs 2 weeks 20 mgs 2 weeks
                            this will work. run them at the same time


                            • #15
                              yea i think nolva will be fine too... works a lot better then clomid in my opinion

